Expert Tips to Avoid Property Management Nightmares

The life of a property manager is a juggling act. You’re responsible for everything from resident relations and maintenance to budgeting and legal compliance. It’s no wonder that mistakes can happen, especially for new property managers or those managing a growing portfolio.

The good news is that by identifying common pitfalls, you can take proactive steps to avoid them.

Here’s a look at some of the biggest mistakes property managers make, along with actionable tips to keep your properties running smoothly:

1. Failing to Properly Screen Residents

A bad resident can be a nightmare for any property manager. They can damage the property, disrupt other residents, and drain your time and resources. 

The fix? Implement a thorough screening process that includes credit checks, rental history verification, employment verification, and reference checks. Don’t skip this crucial step — a bad resident can cost you far more in the long run than a thorough screening process ever will.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

2. Not Having Clear Lease Agreements

A well-written lease agreement protects both you and your residents. It should clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties, including rent amount, due dates, late fees, pet policies, maintenance procedures, and termination clauses. 

The fix? Use a standardized lease agreement that has been reviewed by a lawyer. Keep it updated with any local or state regulations that may change.

3. Letting Maintenance Requests Pile Up

Prompt and thorough maintenance is a cornerstone of successful property management. Like addressing resident complaints quickly, addressing maintenance requests swiftly is essential to avoid a cascade of negative consequences. 

Here’s why prioritizing maintenance is crucial:

  • Protecting Your Investment: Regular maintenance plays a vital role in preserving the condition of your properties. Neglecting repairs can lead to further deterioration, decreased property value, and higher operating costs. Think leaky faucets that escalate to water damage or clogged gutters that lead to foundation issues. Addressing minor issues promptly saves you money in the long run.
  • Resident Satisfaction & Safety: Living in a well-maintained property contributes significantly to resident satisfaction. Ignoring maintenance requests creates frustration and a sense of neglect. Prioritizing repairs ensures a safe and comfortable living environment for your residents.
  • Reduced Liability: Letting maintenance issues linger can expose you to legal trouble. For instance, a slip and fall because of an unaddressed ice patch on the sidewalk could result in a lawsuit. By promptly addressing maintenance requests, you’re mitigating potential liability risks.

Here’s how to ensure your properties are well-maintained:

  • Routine Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your properties to identify potential problems before they become major issues. This could involve monthly walkthroughs or annual comprehensive inspections.
  • Qualified Contractors: Develop relationships with qualified and reliable contractors who can handle various maintenance tasks. Verify references to confirm licensure and insurance. Oversee the quality and timeliness of their work to ensure efficient repairs.
  • Budgeting for Maintenance: Don’t underestimate the importance of budgeting for maintenance and repairs. Factor in routine maintenance costs and a reserve fund for unexpected emergencies and major repairs. This ensures you have the resources readily available when needed.
  • Communication Is Key: Like with resident complaints, keep residents informed throughout the maintenance process. Acknowledge their request promptly, explain the repair timeline, and provide updates if any delays occur. Open communication fosters trust and reduces frustration.
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, but it takes on an even greater significance in property management.

4. Poor Communication With Residents

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, but it takes on an even greater significance in property management. You’re constantly juggling interactions with a diverse group — your team members, property owners, residents, and vendors. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, delays, errors, and ultimately, dissatisfied customers.

Here’s how to ensure smooth communication:

  • Establish Clear Channels: Don’t leave your team and renters guessing how to reach you. Set up designated communication channels — email, phone calls, text messages, or online platforms like resident portals. Consistency is key — don’t make them chase you down across multiple platforms.
  • Frequency & Transparency: Aim for frequent, transparent communication. Regular updates keep everyone informed and in the loop. Don’t be afraid to share both good and bad news promptly and honestly.
  • Tailored Communication: A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Tailor your communication style to your audience. Use clear and concise language with residents, provide detailed reports to property owners, and foster open collaboration with your team.
  • Feedback & Listening: Communication is a two-way street. Listen to your team and renters’ concerns, questions, and suggestions. Provide positive and constructive feedback to keep everyone motivated and on track. Respond promptly and professionally, demonstrating that their input is valued.
  • Technology Advantage: Fortunately, technology is on your side. Utilizing property management software streamlines communication by centralizing information, automating tasks, and facilitating easy access for all parties involved. This reduces the risk of errors and keeps everyone on the same page, boosting overall efficiency.
  • Building Relationships: Effective communication goes beyond simply sharing information. It’s about fostering trust and building strong relationships. Schedule regular team meetings to discuss projects, address concerns, and celebrate successes. Open communication fosters a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing their best work.

5. Not Keeping Records and Documents

Failing to organize and store important documents properly can lead to a domino effect of problems, including missing records. Missing or disorganized records can make tracking important information (i.e., lease agreements, maintenance requests, and financial transactions) difficult. This can lead to confusion, errors, and wasted time.

Without clear documentation, disputes with residents over rent payments, security deposits, or repairs can become tangled. Without proper records, you may be unable to defend your position in a legal dispute, potentially resulting in hefty fines or even lawsuits.

Here’s how to ensure your records are organized, secure, and accessible:

  • Secure Storage: Utilize a secure and accessible system for storing your records. Cloud-based storage solutions offer convenience and accessibility, while traditional filing cabinets can work for paper documents.
  • Regular Review and Updates: Don’t let your records become an archive of forgotten paperwork. Schedule regular reviews to ensure all documents are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Compliance With Regulations: Retention laws vary depending on your location. Familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations regarding record keeping and disposal. Understanding these requirements ensures you’re adhering to legal mandates.
Effective record-keeping is a fundamental skill in property management. Most real estate transactions involve a mountain of paperwork — lease agreements, maintenance records, financial statements, and more.

Effective record-keeping is a fundamental skill in property management. Most real estate transactions involve a mountain of paperwork — lease agreements, maintenance records, financial statements, and more. 

Maintaining electronic copies alongside physical documents is essential in today’s digital age. This allows you to access crucial information even when you’re away from the office, ensuring you can always stay on top of your business.

6. Not Taking Advantage of Technology

Many property management software solutions can streamline your workflow and save you time. These tools can help you with tasks like screening residents, collecting rent online, managing maintenance requests, and generating reports. The fix? Research property management software options and find one that fits your needs and budget. Many offer free trials, so you can test them before committing.

7. Not Marketing Your Properties Effectively

Vacancies cost money. There’s no sugarcoating it. A well-defined multifamily marketing strategy is essential to attract qualified residents and keep your properties occupied. 

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Utilize a diverse range of multifamily marketing channels to reach your target audience.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Utilize a diverse range of multifamily marketing channels to reach your target audience. This could include:

  • Online Listings: High-quality listings on popular rental platforms are a must-have. If possible, showcase your properties with professional photos, detailed descriptions, and virtual tours.
  • Social Media Marketing: Use social media to connect with potential residents. Share engaging social media posts, run targeted ads, and create a community around your properties.
  • Website Presence: A professional website is a valuable asset. It lets you showcase your properties, provide leasing information, and establish your brand identity.
  • Offline Strategies: Don’t underestimate the power of traditional methods. Yard signs, local print ads, and partnerships with businesses in your area can still be effective ways to reach potential renters.

While a do-it-yourself approach is possible, managing a comprehensive marketing strategy can be time-consuming, especially as your portfolio grows. This is where partnering with a marketing agency can be a game-changer.

Think of a marketing agency as an extension of your multifamily property team. They can provide a wealth of expertise and resources to help you achieve your marketing goals and increase your bottom line. 

Here are just a few of the ways a marketing agency can streamline your marketing efforts:

  • Streamlined Marketing Collateral: Ordering eye-catching flyers, brochures, and other marketing materials can be a hassle. Criterion.B offers a one-stop shop for designing and ordering all your promotional needs to save time and ensure brand consistency.
  • Actionable Analytics & Reporting: A good marketing agency will leverage analytics tools to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. This data can reveal valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. They can help you set up and track key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improving your website’s ranking in search results so potential residents can easily find your listings.
  • Email Marketing: Creating targeted email campaigns to nurture leads and connect with potential renters.
  • Blogging and Content Creation: Developing engaging content that showcases your properties and attracts qualified leads via a blog post.
  • Social Media Management: Creating engaging content and managing interactions with potential residents across all social media channels.
  • Branding and Design: Developing a strong brand identity for your property management company, including logo design and website creation.
  • Website Development and Management: Building a user-friendly website that showcases your properties and provides a seamless leasing experience.

8. Not Staying Up-to-Date on Industry Trends

The property management industry constantly evolves, with new technologies and regulations emerging. Staying informed is important to ensure your business runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

The fix? Attend industry conferences, webinars, and workshops. Read industry publications and blogs to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

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9. Ignoring Complaints & Not Focusing on Resident Retention

High resident turnover can be a major drain on your resources. It involves advertising costs of vacant units, showing apartments, screening new renters, and processing paperwork. It can also result in a loss of rental income during vacancy periods. But the hidden costs are even greater — negative reviews, a damaged reputation, and a revolving door of unhappy residents.

High resident turnover can be a major drain on your resources. It involves advertising costs of vacant units, showing apartments, screening new renters, and processing paperwork. It can also result in a loss of rental income during vacancy periods. But the hidden costs are even greater — negative reviews, a damaged reputation, and a revolving door of unhappy residents.

Here’s how to cultivate a thriving community that keeps renters happy:

  • Treat Renters with Respect: Building positive relationships starts with respect, courtesy, and professionalism. Respond to their needs and concerns promptly and effectively.
  • Responsive Complaint Resolution: A well-defined system for handling complaints is essential. This includes a clear process for receiving, recording, and resolving issues. Respond quickly to complaints to explain how you’ll address the problem. Keep residents updated throughout the process, and follow up after the repair.
  • Value Feedback and Communication: Open and transparent communication is key. Encourage feedback. Regularly solicit their input through surveys, resident meetings, or suggestion boxes. Actively listen to their concerns and suggestions, demonstrating their input is valued.
  • Offer Incentives for Renewals: Show your existing renters how much you appreciate them by offering incentives for lease renewals. This could include discounts on rent, free parking, or waived application fees.
  • Create a Sense of Community: Help your residents feel like they belong! Organize fun events, create social media groups for them to connect, or offer amenities that encourage interaction. When residents feel like part of a community, not just renters in a building, they’re more likely to want to renew their leases.

10. Micromanaging Your Team & Not Delegating Tasks

Learning the art of delegation becomes increasingly important as your property management portfolio expands. While you may be tempted to hold onto the reins and meticulously manage every detail yourself, this approach is ultimately unsustainable and can hinder your long-term success.

Micromanaging your team can have several negative consequences. It can stifle their motivation, creativity, and sense of autonomy. Constantly hovering over their shoulders can make them feel like they’re not trusted to do their jobs effectively, decreasing morale and productivity.

The solution lies in empowering your team through effective delegation.

  • Delegate Based on Strengths: Analyze your team members’ skills, experience, and interests. Assign tasks that align with their strengths and allow them to develop new skills.
  • Trust and Autonomy: Once you’ve delegated a task, trust your team to complete it without your constant oversight. Micromanaging every step is a recipe for frustration and resentment.
  • Support and Resources: Provide your team with the necessary resources for success, such as training materials, software tools, and clear guidelines.
  • Coaching for Growth: Don’t hesitate to offer guidance and support as needed. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback can help your team members grow in their roles.
Coaching for Growth: Don't hesitate to offer guidance and support as needed. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback can help your team members grow in their roles.

Often, managers who micromanage their teams worry their employees aren’t doing a good job. If you don’t communicate well with your team or can’t motivate them, they might not feel like doing their best work. Instead of hovering over them, invest in becoming a better leader. Learn how to communicate clearly and build a team environment where everyone feels trusted and responsible for their work.

Remember, you hired your team for a reason — you believe in their skills and potential. Start by delegating smaller projects that allow them to demonstrate their capabilities. As they gain confidence and experience, gradually increase their scope of responsibility. If they hit a roadblock, provide coaching and support to help them develop the skills they need to reach the next level.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Promotional Items to Make Your Multifamily Brand Stand Out

Promotional items are a mainstay at events. They leave a lasting impression, generate brand awareness, and — let’s be honest — offer attendees something extra. 

But with overflowing tote bags and overflowing landfills, it’s time to ditch the predictable and embrace innovative promo items that excite and engage.

The diversity of promotional products available today allows creativity in presenting your brand. From eco-friendly options to high-tech gadgets, the range of popular promotional items is vast and varied, offering ample opportunities to align with your brand’s message and values.

Each promotional product is a stepping stone toward converting a prospect into a loyal client. The key is choosing items that resonate with your audience and authentically represent your brand’s character and aspirations.

We’re all about helping your brand stand out, including creating a buzz with truly memorable promotional swag.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

Winning With Custom Promotional Products

Trade shows are a prime opportunity to connect with potential residents, showcase your multifamily property, and build brand loyalty. But in a crowded exhibit hall, how do you ensure your booth stands out? Custom promotional products are your secret weapon.

Here’s why custom promo items reign supreme at trade shows:

  • Brand Recall: A well-chosen, high-quality giveaway item emblazoned with your logo and branding keeps your multifamily property at the forefront of a potential resident’s mind long after the trade show ends. When using that branded water bottle or phone charger, they’re reminded of your community.
  • Brand Identity Reinforcement: Custom promotional products are a walking billboard for your brand identity. By using consistent colors, fonts, and messaging across your giveaways and booth design, you create a cohesive and memorable brand experience.
  • Conversation Starters: Eye-catching, well-designed giveaways are natural conversation starters. If people are interested in the item you’re offering, they will likely approach your booth and inquire about your property.
  • Building Brand Loyalty: Everyone loves a free gift, and a thoughtful, practical giveaway item shows potential residents that you care. This fosters positive brand association and can be the first step towards building long-term brand loyalty.

Choosing the Right Custom Promotional Products

Selecting the perfect custom promotional product with so many options can feel overwhelming. Here are some key considerations:

  • Target Audience: Tailor your giveaway to your ideal resident. Young professionals might appreciate branded tech accessories, while families prefer reusable water bottles or tote bags.
  • Functionality: Choose an item that people will use and appreciate. A cheap keychain might end up in a junk drawer, while a high-quality water bottle becomes a daily companion.
  • Price Guarantee: Work with a reputable promotional products company that offers a price guarantee to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment.
  • Brand Match: The giveaway item should seamlessly integrate with your brand identity. When selecting, consider the product’s colors, materials, and overall feel.

Move Beyond the Mundane: Fun and Functional Ideas

  • Tech-Savvy Swag: People love gadgets! Consider branded portable phone chargers, wireless earbuds, or even phone rings that double as kickstands.
  • Eco-Conscious Options: Sustainability is a growing concern. Impress attendees with reusable water bottles, bamboo straws, or tote bags made from recycled materials.
  • Locally Sourced Goodies: Showcase your city or region with locally-made treats or custom-blended teas. Partner with a local artist to design the packaging for an extra touch.
  • Planter Pouches: These handy pouches come with seeds and soil, allowing attendees to grow their mini herb garden or succulent — a lasting reminder of your event.
  • Desk Organizer Kits: Help attendees stay organized with branded desk organizers or stylish tech caddies.

Think Outside the Box: Personalization Power

Take your promo items to the next level with personalization. Consider offering on-site customization. Set up a station where attendees can personalize their tote bags, t-shirts, or phone cases with their names or initials.

For example, we recently provided Lakepointe Church with a hat press, hats, and patches so event attendees could create and customize their hats.

For example, we recently provided Lakepointe Church with a hat press, hats, and patches so event attendees could create and customize their hats.

Another idea is to create a downloadable app that allows attendees to design their own branded phone wallpaper, water bottle labels, or social media filters.

Maximizing the Impact of Your Promotional Items

Don’t just hand out swag and hope for the best. Here are some additional tips:

  • Create a Social Media Campaign: Encourage attendees to share photos of themselves using their promotional items with a designated event hashtag.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways: Offer prizes for the most creative use of a promotional item on social media.
  • Incorporate Your Promo Items Into Your Event Design: Integrate your branded items into the event. For example, branded water bottles can be used as centerpieces, or phone charging stations can be offered with branded signage.
Incorporate Your Promo Items Into Your Event Design: Integrate your branded items into the event. For example, branded water bottles can be used as centerpieces, or phone charging stations can be offered with branded signage.

Promotional items can be a powerful tool for event marketing. Thinking creatively and choosing items that resonate with your audience can create lasting memories and generate positive brand buzz.

Ready to take your event swag to the next level? Contact Criterion.B today! Our team can help you brainstorm unique ideas, source high-quality products, and develop a promotional strategy that delivers real results.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

Discover the Perfect Promo Item for Your Business With Our Decision Tree Infographic

How can a multifamily brand make a lasting impression amid advertisements and marketing campaigns? 

The answer lies in the strategic use of promotional products. These aren’t just marketing tools; they’re the bridge to connect with your audience in a tangible, memorable way.

I’ve put together an interactive Decision Tree so you can determine which promo item is most appropriate for your business needs. I’ve also provided a series of examples at the end of the blog to get the creative juices flowing.

Skip to the “Choose Your Promo Adventure” section for our interactive Decision Tree!

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, swag, and more.

The Power of Promotional Products

Promotional items carry a unique charm that transcends their physical form. They are more than mere giveaways; they are potent symbols of a brand’s identity and ethos. 

Consider the impact of a popular promotional item, a custom pen, handed out to prospects and customers. Such a simple gesture can leave a lasting impression, subtly reinforcing your brand identity with every use. 

Similarly, a promotional gift, perhaps a beautifully designed custom water bottle, given at an event or trade show does more than quench thirst; it is a tangible reminder of your brand’s presence and commitment to quality.

These custom promotional products, selected thoughtfully, act as powerful marketing tools. They extend the reach of your brand well beyond the initial interaction. For instance, when attendees at trade shows carry your custom water bottles, they inadvertently amplify your brand’s visibility to a wider audience.

The diversity of promotional products available today allows creativity in presenting your brand. From eco-friendly options to high-tech gadgets, the range of popular promotional items is vast and varied, offering ample opportunities to align with your brand’s message and values.

Each promotional product is a stepping stone toward converting a prospect into a loyal client. The key is choosing items that resonate with your audience and authentically represent your brand’s character and aspirations.

Choose Your Promo Adventure

Welcome to “Choose Your Promo Adventure,” your interactive guide to finding the perfect promotional item for your company. This decision tree was designed to lead you to promotional products that align seamlessly with your company’s goals and multifamily branding.

The graphic below will guide you through a series of questions, with each answer bringing you closer to your ideal promotional item.

Welcome to "Choose Your Promo Adventure,” your interactive guide to finding the perfect promotional item for your company. This decision tree was carefully designed to lead you to the promotional products that align seamlessly with your company's goals and multifamily branding.

Brand Awareness Through Promotional Items

When boosting multifamily brand awareness with promotional items, an important consideration is the environment in which these items will be used. This decision can significantly impact their effectiveness and visibility.

For Indoor Use: If your promo items are intended for indoor environments, such as offices or homes, you should focus on practical items. Custom pens are a classic and highly effective choice, as they are used daily and can travel far, extending your brand’s reach. Branded mugs make excellent desk accessories, constantly reminding you of your brand during coffee breaks. Desk accessories like notepads, calendars, or mouse pads can be customized to keep your brand prominently displayed in workspaces.

For Outdoor Use: If your promo items are more suited for outdoor use, consider items that align with an active lifestyle or outdoor events. Custom water bottles are highly practical for outdoor activities and serve as a mobile billboard for your brand. Branded hats offer visibility while being useful for sun protection, perfect for outdoor events or sports. Eco-friendly tote bags showcase your brand and align with environmentally conscious values, ideal for outdoor markets, picnics, or beach outings.

Showing Customer Appreciation With Swag

Recognizing and appreciating your customers is a powerful way to strengthen relationships and enhance brand loyalty. When choosing promo items for customer appreciation, deciding whether to go for practicality or luxury is essential.

Opting for Practical: If you lean towards practical gifts, consider items your customers will find useful in their daily lives. Tech gadgets like branded earbuds, power banks, or Bluetooth speakers are popular and appreciated for their functionality. Custom notebooks offer a personal touch and are perfect for many customers, from students to professionals. USB drives are a timeless, practical gift, useful for anyone in today’s digital age.

Choosing Luxurious: For a more luxurious approach, aim for items that exude exclusivity and high value. Engraved pens, crafted from high-quality materials, serve as a writing tool and a symbol of prestige. Premium apparel, such as custom embroidered jackets or scarves, can offer a sense of sophistication and style. Gourmet gift baskets, curated with high-quality foods and treats, are an excellent way to indulge your customers with a luxurious experience.

Engaging Employees With Thoughtful Gifts

Engaging employees effectively requires thoughtful consideration of their working environment and needs. Swag can boost morale and show appreciation, whether your employees are office-based or working remotely.

For Office-Based Employees: If your team works primarily in an office setting, focus on items that enhance their day-to-day office experience. Ergonomic office tools like supportive mouse pads or back cushions show that you care about their comfort and health. Branded stationery, including notepads, pens, and organizers, are practical and keep your brand visible throughout the workday. Custom coffee mugs add a personal touch to their coffee breaks and can be a daily reminder of your appreciation.

For Remote Employees: Remote employees might appreciate items that help them set up a productive and comfortable home office. Consider home office accessories like branded laptop sleeves or wireless chargers to enhance their workspace. Wellness items, such as yoga mats or resistance bands, encourage them to take necessary breaks and look after their physical health. Personalized apparel, like custom hoodies or hats, can make them feel part of the team even when working from a distance.

Creating memorable experiences at events is crucial for lasting impressions and strengthened relationships. The choice of promo items can greatly influence how your event is perceived and remembered, whether it is a large-scale conference or an intimate gathering.

Must-Have Promo Items for Event Memorability

Creating memorable experiences at events is crucial for lasting impressions and strengthened relationships. The choice of promo items can greatly influence how your event is perceived and remembered, whether it is a large-scale conference or an intimate gathering.

For Large-Scale Events: In large gatherings such as conferences, trade shows, or large company events, you’ll need promotional items that are impactful yet suitable for mass distribution. Custom lanyards are practical for attendees and offer continuous brand exposure throughout the event. Event t-shirts create a sense of unity and can be a cherished souvenir post-event. Branded bags are useful for carrying materials during the event and serve as a reminder of the experience long after.

For Intimate Settings: When the event is more intimate, such as a small workshop, a VIP customer event, or a team retreat, the focus should shift to more personalized and unique items. Personalized gifts that reflect the event’s theme or the attendees’ interests add a thoughtful touch. Limited edition items create exclusivity and make the event feel special. Interactive gadgets, like mini Bluetooth speakers or smart notebooks, can keep the engagement high and leave a lasting impression.

Promotional Items to Make Your Multifamily Brand Stand Out

Having navigated the decision tree, you now have a clearer picture of the ideal promotional items for your needs. Here’s a curated list of items that were the most-ordered last year or that are currently trending to help you brainstorm some ideas:

Stanley 30 oz. Tumblers: Did you know the 30 oz. Stanley Quencher H2.0 FlowState Tumbler was the No. 1 most-ordered item last year? From sleek stainless steel models to those with built-in fruit infusers, these bottles can reflect the sophistication and modernity of your multifamily brand. 

Custom Pens: Did you know the average pen can write for about 45,000 words? That’s a lot of brand exposure! Use them in direct mail campaigns to add a personal touch. Try stylus pens, like the Gardena velvet-touch VC stylus pen, which was the second most-ordered item last year. 

Branded Mugs: Coffee mugs are always trending! An average office worker uses a mug 3-4 times a day. Create a series of mugs with motivational quotes related to your brand for daily inspiration. Consider the Balsamo 12 oz. ceramic mugs with a cork base. This mug combines stylish design and practicality, featuring a matte exterior and a glossy interior for a chic look.

Once you have your budget in place, it's time to decide which trade show promotional products will have the most impact for your money. High-impact items can include things like custom tote bags, reusable water bottles, and branded phone chargers. These items are not only useful for attendees but also have a longer lifespan than something like a flyer or brochure.

Ergonomic Office Tools: An ergonomic mouse pad can reduce wrist strain. Offer them as a part of a wellness initiative to show you care about employee health.

Custom Lanyards: These are useful beyond events. They can hold keys or ID badges. Design them with vibrant colors to make your brand pop in everyday settings.

Event T-Shirts: They often become casual wear. Incorporate a trendy design, so they’re worn more frequently, increasing your brand visibility.

Personalized Gifts: Create a limited edition series related to specific milestones or events, making them collectible.

Interactive Gadgets: Gadgets like a branded digital thermometer for wine bottles can be a conversation starter at dinner parties, subtly promoting your brand.

Bringing It All Together

The right product can resonate deeply with your audience. Think creatively and outside the box. The most memorable promotional products are often unique and thoughtfully aligned with users’ needs and interests. Remember, these items are giveaways and ambassadors of your multifamily brand story and values.

I hope this guide has inspired you. If you’re ready to start creating custom items representing your brand or need more personalized suggestions, just email me! I am here to help bring your brand to life.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

Ryan Holmes at PPAI Expo

About the Author

Ryan is the Senior Promotions Specialist at Criterion.B, where he is dedicated to providing clients with engaging promotional solutions to help execute their marketing initiatives. He brings a wide range of experience in customer support, business development, and project management and uses his expertise to help our clients meet their marketing goals. You can reach him at

6 Thoughtful Move-In Gifts for Apartments (+ How to Use the AMP Studio Platform to Order Them)

In today’s competitive real estate landscape, creating a memorable resident experience goes beyond offering a beautiful living space. Property managers continually seek innovative ways to foster positive relationships with their residents. 

One such strategy that has proven effective is the act of gifting thoughtful apartment move-in gifts. These small tokens can make a lasting impact, significantly enhancing the move-in experience for new residents.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, swag, and more.

The Power of Apartment Move-In Gifts

When residents decide to make your property their home, it’s a significant commitment. Commemorating this decision with move-in gifts for apartments or special promo items can set the tone for their entire stay. This gesture showcases appreciation, making residents feel valued and welcome. Over time, this initial goodwill can translate into improved resident satisfaction, potentially leading to higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Apartment Move-In Gifts That Make an Impact

Move-in gifts for apartments can range from functional items to luxurious tokens. Here are some standout promo item ideas that not only offer utility but also weave in multifamily branding for a personal touch:

1. Pizza Cutter

Moving can be exhausting, and more often than not, the first meal in a new home is a quick pizza takeaway. Gift your new residents a branded pizza cutter, combining utility with a touch of branding. They’ll be reminded of your thoughtful gesture every time they slice a pizza.

Gift your new residents a branded pizza cutter, combining utility with a touch of branding. Every time they slice a pizza, they'll be reminded of your thoughtful gesture.

2. Oven Mitts

Cooking is an integral part of making a new place feel like home. Oven mitts are essential kitchen items; branding them adds a unique touch. These mitts can subtly display your property’s logo, ensuring your brand remains front and center in their daily activities.

3. Etched Cutting Boards

A cutting board is another kitchen essential. Elevate this basic item by etching it with the resident’s initials or the property’s emblem. It’s a blend of practicality and personalization, making it a cherished item in their new kitchen.

The etching could be a simple "Welcome Home" or the resident's move-in date, making it a keepsake they might treasure long after the wine is enjoyed.

4. Etched Wine Bottles and Glasses

Celebrate their new chapter with a touch of elegance! An etched wine bottle, paired with wine glasses or champagne flutes, can be the perfect gift. The etching could be a simple “Welcome Home” or the resident’s move-in date, making it a keepsake they might treasure long after the wine is enjoyed.

If wine isn’t their thing, beautiful champagne flutes etched with the property’s logo or a personalized message can also serve as a token of celebration. They’re not just glasses; they’re memories waiting to be made.

5. Car Coasters

Another unique and functional move-in gift idea is the car coaster. Made to fit snugly within vehicle cup holders, these coasters absorb moisture from cold drinks, keeping the car clean and free from unsightly drink rings. When branded with the apartment logo or a catchy design, these coasters serve a practical purpose and act as a daily reminder of your community. 

When branded with the apartment logo or a catchy design, these coasters not only serve a practical purpose but also act as a daily reminder of your community.

6. Swag Basket

Collaborate with local businesses to curate a basket of local goods. This supports local commerce and introduces new residents to the community’s best offerings.

Collaborate with local businesses to curate a basket of local goods. This supports local commerce and introduces new residents to the community's best offerings.

Enhancing the Resident Experience Through Personalization

The resident experience extends beyond the initial move-in phase. Property managers can continue to foster a strong rapport with their residents by offering personalized services. This could mean organizing monthly community events, sending personalized notes on birthdays or anniversaries, or even just being readily available for any concerns or feedback.

AMP Studio: Revolutionizing Move-In Gifts for Apartments

When considering apartment move-in gifts, consistency is key. This is where platforms like AMP Studio come into play. As a multi-family branding agency tool, AMP Studio allows property managers to access a centralized system of property-specific marketing materials, trade show promo items, and more.

The benefits of using AMP Studio for sourcing move-in gifts for apartments include:

  • Brand Consistency: With a platform that’s pre-loaded with vetted and standardized items, property managers can ensure that every gift aligns with the property’s brand guidelines.
  • Streamlined Ordering: No need for lengthy email chains or multiple supplier interactions. Property managers can efficiently order high-quality apartment move-in gifts with AMP Studio in just a few clicks.
  • Enhanced Resident Experience: Quality and consistency in gifts and promo items can significantly enhance the resident experience, making them feel truly appreciated and valued.
When considering apartment move-in gifts, consistency is key. This is where platforms like AMP Studio come into play. As a multi-family branding agency tool, AMP Studio allows property managers to access a centralized system of property-specific marketing materials, trade show promo items, and more.

Ordering With AMP Studio: How It Works

  • The system is pre-loaded with items previously approved by your internal teams.
  • Each property is assigned a unique link for ordering, eliminating the need for managing multiple usernames and passwords. 
  • As soon as an item is ordered, our system automatically notifies the designated person for a final cost approval.
  • Once cost approval is given, our dedicated account team coordinates directly with the original order placer, ensuring the final approval of all proofs.
  • Billing is tailored to each property and invoiced at the end of each respective month.
  • You are wowed by the high-quality marketing items shipped right to your property!

AMP Studio cuts down on delays and roadblocks. Designed with property managers, corporate marketers, and HR teams in mind, this platform ensures you spend less time ordering and more time engaging with residents.

Each item is screened and standardized, ensuring compliance with your brand guidelines and quality benchmarks. We manage the details, letting you focus on creating memorable resident experiences.

The Road Ahead: Multifamily Leads and Resident Retention

Property managers need to stay ahead of the curve with the real estate industry continually evolving. By investing in strategies that enhance the resident experience, properties can attract more multifamily leads and improve resident retention. Thoughtful apartment move-in gifts, sourced from platforms like AMP Studio, can be an excellent step in this direction.

While the aesthetics and functionalities of a property are undeniably crucial, little gestures like move-in gifts for apartments can truly set a property apart. These nuances create a memorable resident experience and foster a sense of community, ensuring residents stay longer and become advocates for your property.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

Top Trade Show Promo Items That Pack a Punch at Events

Trade shows offer a fantastic opportunity for businesses to showcase their products, connect with potential customers, and generate valuable leads. One key aspect of these events is the selection of trade show promo items to give away. 

However, it’s no secret that many businesses fall into the trap of bringing generic items like pens, shirts, socks, and koozies. 

Let’s highlight some unique, branded items that can help your business stand out from the crowd.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, swag, and more.

Capture the Curiosity of Trade Show Attendees

In a sea of pens and shirts, you must differentiate yourself by offering trade show promo items that are not overly done. The power of uniqueness lies in capturing the attention and curiosity of trade show attendees. By selecting unconventional trade show promo items, you create a memorable experience that can leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

What Promo Items Are Over-Used (Too Popular)?

Are you worried you might bring the wrong trade show promo item to your next event? Don’t want to show up with the same items as everyone else? No problem! We attend dozens of events yearly and keep a running list of all the items we see daily. Here are some of the most over-used promotional merchandise we see (i.e., what you should avoid at your next booth setup if you want to be different!)

Remember that while these are over-used, they are also very popular and trendy in some locations. If you want to join in on the latest trends, you can bring these items (just know that your neighboring booth or competitor might have the same items!)

  • Koozies
  • Coasters
  • Magnets
  • Keychains (multi-purpose keychains can help set these apart!)
  • Pop-Its and Fidget Spinners
  • Chapstick
  • Socks (though if yours are unique, these can be a great giveaway!)
  • Pens
  • Basic plastic water bottles
  • Regular (non-reusable) water bottles with custom labels
  • Small reusable tote bags
  • Free candy in a bowl
  • Boring or plain business cards
  • Basic trucker hats
  • Lanyards
  • Microfiber cloths (for cleaning tech items)

Top Tech Gadgets and Accessories

Technology plays a significant role in our lives, making tech gadgets and accessories highly sought-after promo items. Consider branded USB drives, wireless chargers, Bluetooth speakers, or smart home devices. These items are not only practical but also align with the modern and tech-savvy image of your business.

Tech Accessory Kit

Tech Accessory Kit

You can add your multifamily branding to a tech accessory kit, the perfect giveaway item for prospective clients and customers! Within a small drawstring microfiber pouch are some items that pack a huge punch! This kit includes earbuds with a microphone, a silicone phone wallet with a stand, and a charge-it-up power bank. There’s no excuse for a low battery! Your brand name will go on one location on each item in one color. Anyone who uses this will automatically advertise your company!

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Products

With increasing environmental awareness, eco-friendly promo items have gained significant popularity. Show your commitment to sustainability by offering reusable items like stainless steel water bottles, bamboo utensil sets, or eco-friendly tote bags. These items demonstrate your brand’s dedication to reducing waste and resonate with environmentally conscious attendees.

Goofy Group Grow Pot Eco-Planter With Basil Seeds

Goofy Group Grow Pot Eco-Planter With Basil Seeds

How adorable and unique are these eco-planters with basil seeds? Now, that is a trade show promo item that will leave you (and your customers or clients) smiling! This exclusive Goofy Group™ Grow Pot Eco-Planter With Basil Seeds includes a flower/plot planter with a goofy face on the side. It’s the perfect eco-friendly promo item, designed from renewable materials, including bamboo and corn fiber. Each set comes with a compressed soil wafer and basil seed packet. 

Grow your business by adding your company slogan or trademark with imprinting. For example, if you are a real estate investment company, you can include the message “Grow your investments with ABC Company!” Future customers will remember you every time they water their new gift!

Functional and Practical Tools

Trade show attendees appreciate promo items that serve a purpose in their everyday lives. Consider offering functional tools like multitools, power banks, or portable phone stands. These items provide value beyond the trade show, increasing the likelihood of continued brand exposure and usage.

Water Resistant Carabiner Power Bank 2000

Water Resistant Carabiner Power Bank 2000

Are you looking for a trade show promo item that is a little more cost-effective? We’ve got you covered. This water-resistant carabiner power bank fits the bill (pun intended). If you love spending time outdoors and always have your phone with you, this power bank is perfect for you. Measuring 1.25″ x 1.25″ x 4.38″, this power bank has a 2000 mAh capacity using its UL-listed lithium-ion battery. Clip the bank to your backpack with the carabiner on the cap. With your custom logo printed on the front, this portable power bank is a great tech accessory for customers and clients who enjoy exploring outdoor places.

Unique Food and Beverage Items

Food and beverage items can be a delightful surprise for trade show attendees. Instead of generic mints or candy, think outside the box with branded gourmet snacks, artisan chocolates, or specialty coffee beans. These unique culinary delights create a memorable experience and foster positive associations with your brand.

Silicone Reusable Straw With Carrying Case

Silicone Reusable Straw With Carrying Case

How fun are these reusable silicone straws? With Stanley cups trending like crazy right now, offering a flexible, silicone straw is the perfect solution for customers who don’t like the standard hard plastic straws that come with their cups. These straws even come with a carrying case with a custom imprint! Packaging includes the 10″ silicone straw folded inside a round plastic case. Give these away in your next trade show booth and see what a great impact it makes!

Interactive and Novelty Items

Interactive and novelty promo items are perfect for engaging attendees and creating buzz around your booth. Think about branded puzzles, fidget toys, or virtual reality viewers. These items capture attention, promote interactivity, and leave a lasting impression, making your booth an unforgettable experience.

Tangle Junior Puzzle

Tangle Junior Puzzle

Being continually engaged with your customers is a definite plus of the Tangle Junior Puzzle! The custom puzzle transforms into endless shapes and is a great stress reliever. Multiple potential imprint areas make this item as unique as you are. This product can remain unimprinted, or you can pad print one or every ring. Helping your clients relieve everyday stress with this fun marketing tool means having your brand in their hands daily.

Unique Kitchen Items

Add a little flavor to your trade show promo items! In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of kitchen-related promo items. With people spending more time cooking, baking, and entertaining at home, unique kitchen items can make for fantastic trade show giveaways. Stand out from the crowd by offering branded kitchen accessories that are both practical and eye-catching.

Set yourself apart from the competition at your next event. Here are some unique, branded trade show promo items.
  • Wine Stoppers: Wine enthusiasts always appreciate a good wine stopper. Consider offering elegant and branded wine stoppers that preserve the flavor of their favorite wines and serve as a stylish addition to their kitchen or bar area.
  • Pizza Cutters: Pizza lovers rejoice! Swap traditional promo items for custom-branded pizza cutters. These handy tools are useful for slicing through their favorite pies and offer a unique branding opportunity that will leave a lasting impression.
  • Ice Packs or Ice Makers: Help trade show attendees keep their beverages cool with branded ice packs and ice makers. These compact and practical items can be used for chilling drinks on the go, making them a refreshing and highly useful promo item for summer trade shows or outdoor events.
  • Utensil Sets: Elevate your promo game by offering unique utensil sets. Consider branded sets of bamboo cooking utensils, stainless steel barbecue toolkits, or eco-friendly silicone kitchen utensils. Home cooks and grill masters alike will appreciate these high-quality and durable sets.
  • Cutting Boards: A branded cutting board can add style and functionality to any kitchen. Whether it’s a sleek bamboo cutting board or a flexible and space-saving silicone cutting mat, these items offer a versatile branding opportunity and showcase your commitment to quality.
  • Kitchen Gadgets: Think beyond the ordinary and consider offering unique kitchen gadgets that make cooking and food preparation easier. Branded garlic presses, avocado slicers, citrus sprayers, or herb scissors are all examples of practical and attention-grabbing promo items that culinary enthusiasts will appreciate.

By incorporating these unique kitchen items into your trade show promo strategy, you can tap into the growing home cooking trend and create a memorable experience for attendees. These functional and visually appealing items reinforce your brand and provide trade show visitors with useful tools they will enjoy using daily.

Invest in Trade Show Promo Items That Leave a Lasting Impact

In the ever-evolving world of trade shows, staying ahead of the curve is crucial by selecting promo items. Ditch the generic pens, shirts, and socks and opt for unique, branded items that leave a lasting impact. By embracing trends such as tech gadgets, eco-friendly products, functional tools, unique food and beverage items, interactive novelties, and personalized items, you can captivate trade show attendees and make your brand stand out from the competition. 

Remember, the key to success lies in offering something memorable, useful, and aligned with your brand’s values and identity.

Did you like any of the trade show promo items listed above? Interested in unique items for your next conference but unsure where to start? Want something else that is similar but at a different price point? We’ve got you covered! Contact us today to get the process started: (214) 761-1900 or email

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

The Power of Promotional Products at Trade Shows

Trade shows can be an excellent way to promote your business, but the costs associated with attending them can add up quickly. From registration fees to booth rental and travel expenses, it’s no secret that trade shows can be expensive. However, one of the most effective ways to attract visitors to your booth and make a lasting impression is by using trade show promo items

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, swag, and more.

But what do you do if you’re on a budget? Here are some tips to get the most impact on your money regarding promo items for trade shows.

1. Set a Budget

Setting a budget is the first step in maximizing your trade show promo item impact. Determine how much you can spend on promo items and plan how to allocate that budget. Remember, your promo items are just one piece of your overall trade show budget, so consider that.

2. Choose High-Impact Items

Once you have your budget, it’s time to decide which trade show promotional products will most impact your money. High-impact items include custom tote bags, reusable water bottles, and branded phone chargers. These items are not only useful for attendees but also have a longer lifespan than something like a flyer or brochure.

Once you have your budget in place, it's time to decide which trade show promotional products will have the most impact for your money. High-impact items can include things like custom tote bags, reusable water bottles, and branded phone chargers. These items are not only useful for attendees but also have a longer lifespan than something like a flyer or brochure.

3. Look for Discounts and Special Offers

Another way to stretch your trade show promo item budget is to look for discounts and special offers. Many companies offer discounts for bulk orders or promotions around specific holidays or events. Watch for these deals and take advantage of them when they’re available.

4. Get Creative with Your Design

If you’re working with a limited budget, getting creative with your design can make a big difference. Consider using a simple, eye-catching design or a bold color scheme to make your promo items stand out. Remember, the goal is to make a lasting impression; a creative design can help you.

You can also get creative with your booth design to make your setup stand out. Don’t forget to take any trade show promo items out of the plastic bags and place them nicely and clearly on your tables for the best results.

You can also get creative with your booth design to make your setup really stand out. Don’t forget to take any trade show promo items out of the plastic bags and place them nicely and clearly on your tables for best results.

5. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Finally, consider using social media to your advantage when it comes to trade show promotional products. Encourage attendees to take photos with your promo items and share them on social media using a branded hashtag. This helps you spread the word about your business and provides valuable user-generated content.

Finally, consider using social media to your advantage when it comes to trade show promotional products. Encourage attendees to take photos with your promo items and share them on social media using a branded hashtag. This not only helps you spread the word about your business but also provides you with valuable user-generated content.

Maximizing the Impact of Your Trade Show Presence

Trade show promo items don’t have to break the bank. With a budget and creative design, you can get the most impact for your money on promo items for trade shows. Remember, the goal is to make a lasting impression on attendees, and with the right promo items, you can do just that.

Ready to shop for the latest trade show promo items and branded swag? Contact us or visit our designated promo items website to browse options. Let our team know if we can help customize the perfect promo items for trade shows and events just for your business!

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

A Look Back at the Most Popular Swag Items and What’s Trending

Whether you want to increase brand awareness, reward your team, or make a good impression with clients, promotional items are a great way to achieve all three goals. 

In 2023 and beyond, promotional items such as custom-branded bags, t-shirts, pens, mugs, tumblers, water bottles, and hats will remain popular for companies of all sizes. 

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

And to understand what will be popular this year, we need to look at the top-trending promo items from last year. We researched all the swag items that were most ordered in 2022 by our clients and researched them based on the most popular items in the multifamily market. 

Let’s take a look…

1. BEST Coolie – Branded Beverage Holder

Easily the most popular and most-ordered promo item this year was the BEST Coolie. Made from premium quality 1/8″ thick, open-cell Econo foam, this coolie is available in an assortment of stylish colors and provides great insulation, and absorbs condensation. 

Easily the most popular and most-ordered promo item this year was the BEST Coolie. Made from premium quality 1/8" thick, open-cell Econo foam, this coolie is available in an assortment of stylish colors and provides great insulation, and absorbs condensation.

It can be customized with an imprinted apartment logo, company name, event title, or any information you want to convey. A second side and bottom imprint are also offered. The Coolie keeps drinks cold in summer and hands warm and dry in winter.

2. Ellipse Softy With Stylus Pens 

Pens are not only a cost-effective trade show swag item but also great for taking notes at meetings and events. Pens with your company logo or URL on them are nothing new. You see these pens at every bank and car dealership you’ve visited. But, what is new and popular in recent years is the Stylus pens. 

Pens are not only a cost-effective trade show swag item, but they’re great for taking notes at meetings and events. Pens with your company logo or URL on them are nothing new. You see these pens at every bank and car dealership you've ever been to. But, what is new and popular in recent years is the Stylus pens.

Ellipse Softy with Stylus pens will continue to make an indelible mark on your customers and supporters this year. These Softy metal pens include a stylus tip, a rubberized barrel design with chrome accents, and a handy pocket clip. You can choose your barrel color and add your logo, emblem, or message through the signature ColorJet imprint to build a cool gift or giveaway for marketing events.

3. Large Non-Woven Grocery Tote

This year’s third-most-popular promo item is grocery totes, specifically this large non-woven reusable grocery bag. You can promote the reuse of this bag and transfer over from using plastic bags to this grocery tote. The 15″ H x 13″ W x 10″ D large bag is constructed of 80 gsm non-woven polypropylene and features reinforced 22″ handles, a 10″ gusset, and a removable board bottom insert. 

This year's third-most-popular promo item is grocery totes, specifically this large non-woven reusable grocery bag. You can promote the reuse of this bag and transfer over from using plastic bags to this grocery tote. The 15" H x 13" W x 10" D large bag is constructed of 80 gsm non-woven polypropylene and features reinforced 22" handles, a 10" gusset, and a removable board bottom insert.

It’s ideal for toting groceries home or bringing food to an outdoor event. This is a great giveaway for businesses within any industry. Just customize with a silkscreen imprint to promote your multifamily brand and choose from three assorted colors at no additional charge.

4. Custom Bags, Backpacks, and Duffles

Bags are always popular promotional gifts for customers, and it was by far the most popular promo item this year. Whether it be a backpack or duffle bag with your company logo, bags are sure to leave an impression. 

Bags are always popular promotional gifts for customers, and it was by far the most popular promo item in 2022. Whether it be a backpack or duffle bag with your company logo on it, bags are sure to leave an impression.

5. Soft, Designed T-Shirts 

Shirts are also popular promotional items for companies this year. Not only do they make great client gifts, but they can also help team members feel connected to the company. 

We are not talking about those uncomfortable, non-stretchy t-shirts with your logo slapped on them that people inevitably donate to Goodwill. We are discussing the super soft, stretchy shirts with a custom design that your team members, clients, and partners will rave about!

6. Mugs and Tumblers

Mugs are also becoming increasingly popular promotional items this year as companies look for client gifts or mugs to use in-office by their teams. Tumblers, especially name-brand ones like RTIC and Yeti, have become very popular due to their practicality and durability. 

Mugs are also becoming increasingly popular promotional items this year as companies look for client gifts or mugs to use in-office by their teams. Tumblers, especially name-brand ones like RTIC and Yeti, have also become very popular due to their practicality and durability. 

7. Reusable Water Bottles

The “new year, new you” saying also leads to the increased popularity of water bottles. Plus, the glass water bottles’ aesthetic, convenience, and eco-friendly aspects make them popular year-round.

8. Branded Hats and Caps

Lastly, branded baseball caps, beanies, and trucker hats are among our most ordered promotional items yearly, especially for trade show swag. Our clients and customers love to hand these out to their team members and partners and bring these as giveaway items to trade shows and conferences! 

With so many color options, styles, and several places to imprint your logo or design, it’s not surprising that hats are continually a popular promo item choice.

Lastly, branded baseball caps, beanies, and trucker hats are always among our most ordered promotional items each year, especially for trade show swag. Our clients and customers love to hand these out to their team members and partners and bring these as giveaway items to trade shows and conferences! 

Create a Lasting Impression With Branded Promo Items

For multifamily marketers looking to build brand awareness, promotional products are a great way to spread your message. Not only do they create a lasting impression on potential residents, but they also help you stand out from the competition.

By offering promotional items related to the multifamily brand or community, multifamily marketers can increase visibility with potential leads, build relationships with current tenants, and create lasting connections with new prospects.

Consider these great options if you’re looking for promotional items to give out this year or next. Ready to shop for swag and custom-branded promotional items for your properties or business? You can contact us directly to pull options that best match your needs and goals!

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, swag, and more.

How to Use Branded Swag to Increase Leads and Brand Loyalty

For multifamily marketers looking to build their brand awareness, promotional products are a great way to spread your message. Not only do they create a lasting impression on potential residents, but they also help you stand out from the competition. 

Brands that achieve great branding find great success. Don’t blend in the crowd. Wondering where to start with branding your multifamily property? This free brand guide will show you three design aspects that can transform your branding project.

By offering promotional items related to the multifamily brand or community, multifamily marketers can increase visibility with potential leads, build relationships with current tenants, and create lasting connections with new prospects.

Here are 10 ways promotional products can improve your brand awareness:

1. Increase Exposure

Promotional products give marketers an effective and affordable way to reach larger audiences. Whether at multifamily trade shows, conferences, or stores, displaying branded items will increase your company’s presence.

Multifamily properties can quickly establish brand recognition in their local community by offering promotional items. These products are often used at events such as open houses or sponsored events — they can market the property while providing useful information about its amenities and services. Prospective residents will be more likely to remember an apartment complex when they have something tangible to take home that represents the multifamily brand.

By offering promotional items, multifamily properties can quickly establish brand recognition in their local community. These products are often used at events such as open houses or sponsored events — they can market the property while also providing useful information about its amenities and services. Prospective residents will be more likely to remember an apartment complex when they have something tangible to take home that represents the multifamily brand.

2. Raise Multifamily Brand Recognition

Promotional products make it easy for people to recognize and remember your multifamily brand. It’s also much easier for someone to recall a product that was given as opposed to what they read in an advertisement.

3. Create Brand Loyalty

Swag is also a great way to show appreciation. Promotional products can reward existing residents for loyalty and encourage them to continue leasing at your property. This creates a sense of trust with your audience and makes them feel valued by your company.

By providing residents with branded items such as t-shirts, water bottles, or mugs, multifamily marketers can increase resident loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals for their community.

By providing residents with branded items such as t-shirts, water bottles, or mugs, multifamily marketers can not only increase resident loyalty but also word-of-mouth referrals for their community.

4. Convey Your Marketing Message

Branding items with your apartment logo, slogan, or other visuals helps marketers communicate their message quickly and efficiently. People will also be able to recognize your brand instantly when they see it again elsewhere.

5. Make a Lasting Impression

Placing promotional items at trade shows or in your leasing office allows marketers to stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on potential residents. It’s also a great way to differentiate yourself from other multifamily brands.

6. Generate Interest in the Brand

Marketers giving away branded products can generate interest and curiosity in their brand. Renters may be more likely to research your property or look up your product if they have something tangible related to it.

7. Encourage Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Swag increases the chances of generating more leases and referrals for an apartment community. Promotional items are a great way to increase visibility and create lasting relationships with prospective and current residents.

Swag increases the chances of generating more leases and referrals for an apartment community. Promotional items are a great way to increase visibility and create lasting relationships with prospective and current residents.

By giving people promotional items, marketers can encourage word-of-mouth advertising, one of the most effective forms of apartment marketing available today. People will be more likely to talk about your multifamily brand if they have something tangible that links back to you.

8. Create Connections With Local Businesses

Promotional items can also help communities connect with local businesses in the area. By distributing swag at sponsored events in the local area, multifamily properties can establish relationships with business owners and start networking opportunities. These partnerships will enhance the property’s visibility and help generate more apartment leads.

9. Stay Top-of-Mind

Since promotional products are always visible, marketers can stay top of mind with potential residents. Whenever someone sees the product you gave them, it will bring your brand back to the forefront of their mind. 

10. Generate Excitement About the Property

Promotional products can be used to stir up excitement about your property and all its offerings. You can use them as event giveaways or mail them directly to prospective residents and prospects for maximum impact. 

Promotional products can be used to stir up excitement about your property and all its offerings. You can use them as giveaways at events or mail them directly to prospective residents and prospects for maximum impact.

Don’t forget to create a fun gift basket and put it on your social media for a giveaway! This way, you can generate new social media followers while drumming up more excitement for your property.

The Power of Promotional Products in Your Multifamily Marketing

Using promotional products is a great way for marketers to increase brand awareness and differentiate themselves from the competition. Whether it’s increasing exposure, creating loyalty or generating interest, promotional products can make a difference in your multifamily marketing efforts. By leveraging the power of promotional products, marketers can reach larger audiences and create a lasting impression on potential customers.

The key is finding the right promotional item representing your multifamily property and its services. With various options available on the market, you can choose items that fit your multifamily brand and match your marketing goals. 

For example, if you are aiming to increase brand loyalty, look for t-shirts or mugs with your apartment logo on it. Alternatively, to network with local businesses, look for items like pens, notebooks, or notepads with your logo. You can increase apartment leads and word-of-mouth referrals by choosing the right promotional item that best represents your community.

Ready to shop for swag and custom-branded promotional items for your properties or business? You can browse our promo items site or contact us directly to pull options that best match your needs and goals!

Brands that achieve great branding find great success. Don’t blend in the crowd. Wondering where to start with branding your multifamily property? This free brand guide will show you three design aspects that can transform your branding project.

With the holidays fast approaching, you are likely scouring the web for corporate gift ideas that impress your hard-to-shop-for clients, coworkers, bosses, business associates, and prospective partners.

According to Fortune, more than 75% of businesses plan to send gifts to their clients and employees this year. Additionally, 57% of respondents in a different survey said “gifts can impact their opinion of a business partner both positively and negatively,” according to Business Gift Satisfaction Survey.

However, deciding on the perfect holiday gift is no easy task — especially in the workplace. Your gift needs to be appropriate, practical, and personal. Most importantly, the item must be within budget but still high-quality.

We put together the ultimate holiday gift guide, filled with the perfect corporate gift ideas for every price point:

Rangeley Gourmet Snack Pack Cooler

Forget tossable gift baskets. Give the gift of a reusable, personalized cooler instead! The Rangeley Box Cooler is filled with various sweet and savory snacks. Treats include chocolate chip cookies, smoked almonds, cheddar cheese straws, caramel popcorn, and more.


Stainless Steel Water Bottles

What’s one thing nearly everyone in the office does daily? Most likely, they drink water or coffee. This year, consider giving a corporate gift people want: a 20-ounce stainless steel water bottle. These bottles feature a Tritan plastic screw-on cap and double-wall vacuum insulation to keep drinks hot or cold for hours. As a bonus, the bottle’s exterior is customizable should you add your logo for extra brand exposure.


Heritage Supply Highline Tote Gourmet Gift Set

Gourmet snacks are always good, especially in a personalized, modern tote bag. Also included in this sleek gift set is a leather writing pad, retractable pen, and coordinating leatherette desktop box filled with tasty snacks. From raspberry honey mustard dip and pretzel twists to shortbread and almond tea cookies, there is a delectable snack for everyone. Customize the items with an imprint of your choice to add an even more personal touch!


Speckle Ceramic Campfire Mugs

Everyone loves coffee, hot cocoa, or warm tea, so why not give your team or clients a gift they can use year-round? These nine-ounce mugs feature a glazed speckle design with a black rim. With eight colors to choose from and the ability to imprint them with your name or logo, these mugs will make your brand more visible. Pair them with a package of gourmet coffee or a jar of hot cocoa mix, and you have the perfect corporate gift.


Bamboo Cheese Board With Knife Set in a Hidden Drawer

This bamboo cheese board will delight and impress your clients, especially if you pair it with a seasonal wine and delicious cheese spread. The deluxe Malvern cheese board set features a cracker serving tray around the entire board, plus a hidden drawer that stores four stainless steel tools. To complete the look, personalize the board with your name, logo, or slogan.


Stemless Wine Glasses

Whether you are trying to impress a new client or capture the attention of a prospective partner, these stemless wine glasses are sure to please the masses. Each glass holds up to 16 ounces and comes in several color options. Complete the look with custom imprinting and your favorite grape variety. To step it up, complement it with a mix of fruit and cheeses from your local market.


Micro-Mink Plaid Sherpa Blanket

Give the gift of actually being warm in the office for once. We all know it gets chilly in the workplace, regardless of the temperature outdoors. These micro-mink sherpa blankets are the perfect corporate gift for any office size, not to mention one people will use. Each blanket is 50 inches by 60 inches and has a faux micro-mink on one side and lambswool sherpa on the other. If your budget allows, pair these blankets with ceramic campfire coffee mugs for an even cozier holiday gift.


Coffee & Cookie Basket With Himalayan Tumbler

The holidays aren’t complete without coffee and cookies. This year, offer your clients and coworkers a gift basket filled with treats for the entire office to share. The basket includes fresh ground Colombian beans, a 20-ounce Himalayan tumbler, Noble Knight almond tea cookies, chocolate chunk cookies, and cool peppermint puffs. Each basket is cello wrapped and tied with a personalized ribbon with your logo.


Popcorn Tin With Trio of Butter, Cheddar, and Caramel Popcorn

This gift is almost guaranteed to make your business “pop.” Each popcorn tin features 3.5 gallons of freshly popped butter, cheddar, and caramel popcorn. Each tin is fully customizable and reusable!


Custom Imprinted Chocolate Truffles

Looking for something Kosher? We’ve got you covered. Whether you are searching for a great corporate office gift or a fun holiday giveaway, these custom-imprinted chocolate truffles are sure to impress. Give the gift of premium-themed Belgian milk or dark chocolate truffles with a custom edible imprint. Choose between a 10-, 16-, or 32-piece set, depending on the office size — or appetite!


Deluxe Charcuterie Gourmet Meat & Cheese Set

Mouth-watering dry-cured salami, crackers, assorted cheeses, and gourmet mustards. Need we say more? This delectable set comes in a gift box with a customizable lid to showcase your branding.


Callaway Golf Gift Card

For the busy working professional or hard-to-shop-for boss, give the gift of golfing. Consider these customizable gift cards if snacks, holiday treats, and promotional items aren’t your gifting style. Purchase a Callaway Golf gift card and let your customers or coworkers choose from various golf products.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Browse our swag website for promotional products, holiday gift ideas, and the latest in-office gadgets.

Brands that achieve great branding find great success. Don’t blend in the crowd. Wondering where to start with branding your multifamily property? This free brand guide will show you three design aspects that can transform your branding project.