Proven Marketing Strategies From Industry Leaders You Can Start Using Today

Marketing can sometimes feel like a game of trial and error, but a few tactics consistently hit the mark. 

We’ve chatted with 16 industry pros who’ve nailed down the strategies that work, from the power of cause marketing to the smart use of content repurposing

Here’s a look at the marketing tactics these experts can’t live without — and why they’re so effective.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

1. Champion Cause Marketing

One marketing strategy example that has shown immense success is cause marketing. Patrick Beltran, Marketing Director at Ardoz Digital, explains that this approach involves partnering with nonprofit organizations and charities to support meaningful causes. By aligning your multifamily brand with a cause, you add a human element to your marketing efforts, significantly boosting consumer perception and engagement.

“Consumers genuinely feel good about their purchases when they know their money is helping provide essentials like shelter, food, or other support to those in need,” says Beltran. The key to success with cause marketing is choosing a cause you are passionate about, as this authenticity drives better results for your campaigns.

Webinars have become a staple in many marketing strategies due to their ability to provide value and engage directly with potential customers. Rohit Vedantwar, Co-founder and Director at, highlights the effectiveness of this tactic by sharing how his team’s webinars led to a 45% increase in qualified leads and a 30% rise in product trials within six weeks.

2. Host Value-Packed Webinars

Webinars have become a staple in many marketing strategies due to their ability to provide value and engage directly with potential customers. Rohit Vedantwar, Co-founder and Director at, highlights the effectiveness of this tactic by sharing how his team’s webinars led to a 45% increase in qualified leads and a 30% rise in product trials within six weeks.

“Webinars position our brand as a thought leader while fostering a sense of trust and authority with our audience,” says Vedantwar. By offering actionable insights and detailed product demos, webinars attract participants and drive conversions by addressing the specific needs of your audience.

3. Segment Newsletters by Interest

Personalization in marketing is crucial, and one way to achieve this is by segmenting newsletters based on subscriber interests. Meaghan Maybee, Marketing Communications Specialist at pc/nametag, shares how her team’s segmented newsletters have led to higher open rates, click-through rates, and lower unsubscribe rates.

“Our marketing team creates multiple newsletter types according to a subscriber’s unique interests,” says Maybee. This approach ensures that the content delivered is relevant to where the subscriber is in their buyer’s journey, making them more likely to engage with the emails and ultimately convert.

4. Nurture Leads with Email Campaigns

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and build relationships with potential customers. Randy Speckman, CEO at Randy Speckman Design, swears by nurturing email campaigns, sharing how a seven-email drip campaign for an online course launch significantly increased sales on launch day.

“Email nurturing works because it builds familiarity and trust over time,” says Speckman. The key to success with email marketing campaigns is providing real value in each message, which helps establish your brand as an authority in your field and encourages recipients to take action when the time is right.

5. Present at Industry Events

Industry events offer a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients face-to-face. Nicole Farber, CEO of ENX2 Legal Marketing, shares how presenting at law schools and marketing conferences has led to multiple new clients and substantial new business.

“Presenting in front of audiences allows me to showcase my knowledge and expertise,” says Farber. By establishing yourself as a thought leader and providing valuable insights, you can generate leads and build credibility in your industry.

6. Create In-Depth Content Guides

Content marketing is a powerful tool for establishing your brand’s authority and driving qualified leads. Josh Cremer, CEO and Creative Director at Redfox Visual, shares how an in-depth guide on local SEO best practices significantly increased qualified leads for his agency.

“Content works because it establishes your expertise, builds trust, and provides value to readers,” says Cremer. In-depth content guides address key concerns and questions that your audience may have, positioning your brand as a go-to resource in your industry.

7. Optimize Paid Social Media Ads

Paid social media advertising allows you to reach your target audience with precision and scale your marketing efforts. Jeff McGeary, Founder & CEO, PracticeVIP LLC, shares how paid social media ads have driven substantial new revenue for his clients.

“For small practices especially, paid social advertising is a game-changer,” says McGeary. By targeting your ideal customers and crafting relatable messaging, you can generate high-quality leads and achieve a significant return on investment.

Repurposing content allows you to maximize the value of your marketing efforts by transforming a single piece of content into multiple formats. Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO of Digital Web Solutions, highlights how his team’s content repurposing strategy led to increased reach and engagement.

8. Maximize Reach with Content Repurposing

Repurposing content allows you to maximize the value of your marketing efforts by transforming a single piece of content into multiple formats. Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO of Digital Web Solutions, highlights how his team’s content repurposing strategy led to increased reach and engagement.

“We maximize the value of our content by transforming a single piece into multiple formats,” says Kakkar. This approach ensures that your core message reaches different audience segments, making your marketing strategies more efficient and impactful.

9. Personalize Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Personalization is key to effective email campaigns. Lauren Gast, Marketing Director at Truck Driver Institute, shares how personalized email campaigns have increased inquiries for their CDL training programs.

“It works because it creates a one-to-one and relevant relationship with the audience,” says Gast. By addressing the specific needs and interests of your audience, personalized emails can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

10. Showcase Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials and case studies are powerful tools for building trust and credibility with potential clients. Tim Woda, Founder at White Peak, shares how leveraging customer testimonials led to an increase in leads and inquiries.

“Real-life success stories resonate with prospects far more than generic marketing messages,” says Woda. By showcasing the tangible benefits of your services through customer testimonials, you can convert leads into customers more effectively.

11. Produce Engaging Explainer Videos

Visual content, especially videos, is a highly effective way to communicate complex messages quickly and engagingly. Kevin Watts, President and Founder at Raincross, shares how an explainer video increased qualified leads by over 30% within the first month.

“Videos work because they can convey a complex message in a short, easy-to-understand format,” says Watts. Engaging visual content can capture the attention of your audience and drive them to take action.

12. Leverage Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships allow you to tap into an established network and community, providing access to high-quality leads. Robert P. Dickey, President and CEO at AQ Marketing, shares how strategic partnerships have driven significant lead generation for his clients.

“Strategic partnerships work because you’re leveraging an established network and community that already trusts your partner,” says Dickey. By creating mutually beneficial partnerships, you can gain exposure to new audiences and drive organic growth.

13. Utilize User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) adds authenticity to your marketing tactics by showcasing real customer experiences. Kam Talebi, CEO of Gigli, shares how utilizing UGC has improved their ROI and strengthened connections with customers.

“UGC is more effective than brand-generated content because it showcases the experiences that other people are having with our products,” says Talebi. Incorporating UGC into your marketing strategy can build trust and engagement with your audience.

14. Organize Industry-Specific Events

Industry-specific events directly engage your target market, making them a highly effective marketing tactic. Amar Ghose, CEO of ZenMaid, shares how organizing the “Maid Summit” significantly boosted brand awareness and generated high-quality leads.

“By bringing people together and providing valuable content, we not only increased our brand visibility but also maintained a steady flow of leads,” says Ghose. Organizing events allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

15. Tailor Marketing to Generational Segments

Understanding the unique preferences of different generational segments is crucial for crafting personalized marketing strategies. Farnam Elyasof, Founder of Flex Suits, shares how tailoring campaigns to Millennials and Gen X has optimized engagement and boosted leads.

“Being aware of generational nuances ensures that you are using the right marketing strategies to boost your leads and revenue,” says Elyasof. By addressing the specific needs and preferences of each generation, you can create more effective and relevant campaigns.

16. Offer Referral Incentives

Referral incentives are a cost-effective way to amplify word-of-mouth marketing and drive organic growth. John Cammidge, Handyman at Handyman John, shares how offering a 10% discount for referrals significantly boosted revenue and client loyalty.

“Referral incentives leverage trust — clients trust their friends’ recommendations,” says Cammidge. By rewarding existing clients for referring new customers, you can create a cycle of consistent growth and client retention.

Championing Success Through Strategic Marketing Tactics

These marketing tactics, championed by industry thought leaders, demonstrate the power of strategic, personalized, and value-driven approaches. Whether through cause marketing, personalized email campaigns, or organizing industry events, these marketing strategy examples have proven their effectiveness in driving results across various sectors. With these marketing tactics, you can enhance engagement, build trust, and achieve long-term success for your organization.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report