Beyond the Booth: Creative Ways to Network at Multifamily Events

We’ve had clients ask us more times than not, “How do I get in front of multifamily?” “How do I market my business beyond my website and digital ads?”

The multifamily landscape is booming with new residents flooding the market and competition fiercer than ever. Whether you’re a seasoned property management firm or a disruptive proptech startup, standing out in this crowded space requires a strategic approach. 

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

To grab the attention of multifamily decision-makers, you need to be where they are and speak their language.

Here are 10 proven ways to put your brand in front of the right people in the multifamily industry:

1. Partnering With Local Syndicators

Syndicators serve as the bridge between real estate investors and multifamily properties. By forging partnerships with these key players in your local market, you can gain valuable access to their network of potential clients. Offer resources, co-host educational events, or sponsor their newsletters to build brand awareness and trust within their investor pool.

2. Leverage Apartment Association Events

Local apartment associations host regular events and conferences that attract property managers, owners, and industry professionals. Participating in these events, like the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas, presents a fantastic opportunity to network, showcase your solutions, and connect with decision-makers directly. Attend workshops, volunteer for committees, or even sponsor the event to maximize your visibility.

Local apartment associations host regular events and conferences that attract property managers, owners, and industry professionals. Participating in these events, like the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas, presents a fantastic opportunity to network, showcase your solutions, and connect with decision-makers directly. Attend workshops, volunteer for committees, or even sponsor the event to maximize your visibility.

3. Don’t Miss National Trade Shows

Major industry events like the National Apartment Association’s Apartmentalize offer unparalleled networking opportunities. Having a well-designed booth with engaging presentations is crucial. But don’t underestimate the power of pre-show outreach and post-event follow-up to nurture those initial connections.

Major industry events like the National Apartment Association's Apartmentalize offer unparalleled networking opportunities. Having a well-designed booth with engaging presentations is crucial. But don't underestimate the power of pre-show outreach and post-event follow-up to nurture those initial connections.

4. Become a Thought Leader Through Content Creation

Multifamily professionals are busy, but they’re hungry for valuable insights. Establish your brand as a trusted resource by contributing informative articles to local and national publications relevant to the industry. Reach out to the Apartment Associations you’re connected with or publications like Multifamily Insiders and Forbes. Offer fresh perspectives, share data-driven insights, and showcase your expertise through compelling content.

5. Network Beyond Events

Networking doesn’t stop at conferences. Join online forums and social media groups frequented by multifamily professionals. Participate in discussions, answer questions thoughtfully, and be a helpful resource. 

Attend industry meetups, join local business associations, and don’t hesitate to talk wherever you encounter potential clients. For example, many cities have a monthly “Business Exchange” or “Women in Commercial Real Estate” group you can join, or you can join hundreds of Facebook and LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry. 

Attend industry meetups, join local business associations, and don't hesitate to talk wherever you encounter potential clients. For example, many cities have a monthly “Business Exchange” or “Women in Commercial Real Estate” group you can join, or you can join hundreds of Facebook and LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry.

Here are a few of our favorite multifamily LinkedIn groups:

6. Partner With Property Management Software Providers

Property management software companies have a vast network of users within the multifamily industry. Explore co-marketing opportunities with these software providers. Develop integrations with their platforms, co-host webinars, or offer joint content resources that address common pain points for property managers.

7. Utilize Online Marketing Strategies

Today, a robust online presence is critical. Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your website ranks high when multifamily professionals search for relevant solutions. Run targeted social media campaigns on LinkedIn and Facebook to connect with decision-makers. To build a nurturing campaign, offer valuable content like e-books, whitepapers, and webinars in exchange for email addresses.

8. Leverage Customer Success Stories

Don’t underestimate the power of showcasing your success. Highlight positive client testimonials on your website and social media profiles. Consider creating case studies that showcase the quantifiable results you’ve achieved for clients within the multifamily industry.

Want to see some examples? Check out our most recent case studies on our Resource page here.

9. Participate in Industry Awards

Winning industry awards adds credibility and prestige to your brand. Research relevant awards offered by apartment associations, industry publications, or even proptech communities. Compiling a strong case study and submitting your work demonstrates your commitment to excellence and innovation, gaining the attention of potential clients. Even if you don’t win, being involved in these communities might offer you a future opportunity to participate as a judge in these competitions.

10. Build Relationships, Not Just Transactions

It’s important to remember that the multifamily industry is built on relationships. Focus on fostering genuine connections with potential clients. Listen to their challenges, understand their pain points, and tailor your solutions to their needs. By demonstrating genuine care and expertise, you’ll build trust and long-lasting partnerships that fuel your success in the competitive multifamily market.

Implementing these strategies will create a multi-pronged approach to getting in front of multifamily decision-makers. Consistency is key. Continuously put yourself out there, provide value, and cultivate relationships within the multifamily industry. Establishing yourself as a trusted resource and thought leader will attract the right clients and pave the way for your long-term growth and success.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Must-Have Marketing Tools for Building Your Online Empire

The marketing technology landscape (MarTech) can feel overwhelming. With countless tools vying for your attention, it’s easy to get lost in the “nice-to-haves” and miss the essentials for building a strong online presence and fostering meaningful engagement.

Below, we explore key tools to enhance brand awareness, audience interaction, and online visibility. 

Remember, a well-defined marketing strategy is the foundation for success. These tools will amplify your efforts, not replace them.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Before diving in, consider your resources. Partnering with a multifamily marketing agency grants access to their MarTech stack, which often includes email marketing, SEO, social media management tools, and more. Utilize their expertise and potentially save on individual tool subscriptions.

1. Content Management System (CMS

Gone are the days of developer-dependent websites. User-friendly CMS platforms like WordPress empower you to add content, edit, and manage your website easily, even without coding knowledge. This translates to cost savings and frees you from relying on IT for basic updates.

But a website is more than just a digital brochure. Regularly publishing valuable content establishes your brand as an industry authority, attracts organic search engine traffic, and subtly pre-qualifies genuinely interested visitors. WordPress offers a vast library of plugins for seamless integration with other MarTech tools like Mailchimp (email marketing tools), WooCommerce (e-commerce), and Google Analytics (web analytics).

2. Unveiling Audience Insights With Google Analytics

Google Analytics, a free web analytics platform, illuminates the who, what, and why behind your website traffic. It reveals which marketing channels drive lead generation, their behavior on your site, and their actions (e.g., page views and downloads). Take your analysis further by setting up custom events and goals to track specific user actions like content downloads, form submissions, or video views. This data empowers you to tailor your content and marketing strategies for maximum impact and return on investment.

Take your analysis further by setting up custom events and goals to track specific user actions like content downloads, form submissions, or video views. This data empowers you to tailor your content and marketing strategies for maximum impact and return on investment.

3. Social Media Management Tools

Platforms like Hootsuite or Buffer streamline social media scheduling, allowing you to manage multiple accounts and ad campaigns and post consistently across various platforms. This keeps your brand buzzing and fosters audience interaction.

Tools like Brandwatch or Sprout Social can also help you monitor online conversations about your brand and industry trends. This allows you to identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns, and participate in relevant conversations.

Remember, the ideal MarTech stack is a blend of tools that empower your unique marketing efforts.

Tools like Brandwatch or Sprout Social can also help you monitor online conversations about your brand and industry trends. This allows you to identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns, and participate in relevant conversations.
Remember, the ideal MarTech stack is a blend of tools that empower your unique marketing efforts.

4. Graphic Design Tools

Eye-catching visuals are essential for grabbing attention and boosting engagement. Design tools like Adobe Creative Suite (powerful but complex), ProCreate (ideal for artists on iPads), or Canva (user-friendly and budget-conscious) empower you to create professional-looking social media graphics, infographics, and other visual content.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Technical SEO ensures your website adheres to search engine guidelines, making it easily discoverable by potential customers. Tools like Semrush, SEO Moz, and Ahrefs offer website audits, keyword research, and competitor analysis, helping you optimize your site for relevant search terms. By improving your search ranking, you organically attract a wider audience interested in what you offer.

6. Nurturing Relationships With Email Marketing Tools

Building lasting connections with your audience is key to brand loyalty. Email marketing tools let you share valuable content, announce promotions, and keep your brand top-of-mind. While standalone tools like Mailchimp exist, marketing automation platforms like Go High Level, SharpSpring, and HubSpot often include built-in email marketing functionalities. These tools allow for automated email sequences and email campaigns that nurture and keep multifamily leads engaged over time.

Brands that achieve great branding find great success. Don’t blend in the crowd. Wondering where to start with branding your multifamily property? This free brand guide will show you three design aspects that can transform your branding project.

7. Webinars and Online Events 

Platforms like Zoom or GoToWebinar allow you to host live events, product demos, or industry discussions. This is a fantastic way to connect with your audience in real time and showcase your expertise.

8. Marketing Automation Software

Marketing automation software takes your MarTech toolbox to the next level. These tools automate repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on high-level strategy, marketing campaigns, and nurturing relationships

Here’s how they can benefit your business:

  • Automated Workflows: Create pre-defined sequences for nurturing leads, sending personalized messages based on user behavior, and automating follow-up emails. This frees up your time for more strategic initiatives.
  • Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Assign scores to leads based on their engagement level and website activity. This helps prioritize leads and personalize communication for maximum impact.
  • Omnichannel Marketing: Deliver targeted messages across multiple channels, including email, social media, and SMS, for more cohesive brand and customer experiences.

When selecting marketing automation software, a property manager should budget, team size, and marketing goals for the property. Look for features that align with your needs and offer scalability as the property grows.

Propel Your Business Forward With MarTech

The MarTech landscape is vast, and the “best” tools depend on your needs and budget. Start by focusing on a core set of tools that align with your strategy and gradually expand your multifamily marketing channels as your online presence evolves. Leveraging these resources allows you to establish a strong online brand, cultivate a loyal audience, and propel your business forward.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Expert Tips to Avoid Property Management Nightmares

The life of a property manager is a juggling act. You’re responsible for everything from resident relations and maintenance to budgeting and legal compliance. It’s no wonder that mistakes can happen, especially for new property managers or those managing a growing portfolio.

The good news is that by identifying common pitfalls, you can take proactive steps to avoid them.

Here’s a look at some of the biggest mistakes property managers make, along with actionable tips to keep your properties running smoothly:

1. Failing to Properly Screen Residents

A bad resident can be a nightmare for any property manager. They can damage the property, disrupt other residents, and drain your time and resources. 

The fix? Implement a thorough screening process that includes credit checks, rental history verification, employment verification, and reference checks. Don’t skip this crucial step — a bad resident can cost you far more in the long run than a thorough screening process ever will.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

2. Not Having Clear Lease Agreements

A well-written lease agreement protects both you and your residents. It should clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties, including rent amount, due dates, late fees, pet policies, maintenance procedures, and termination clauses. 

The fix? Use a standardized lease agreement that has been reviewed by a lawyer. Keep it updated with any local or state regulations that may change.

3. Letting Maintenance Requests Pile Up

Prompt and thorough maintenance is a cornerstone of successful property management. Like addressing resident complaints quickly, addressing maintenance requests swiftly is essential to avoid a cascade of negative consequences. 

Here’s why prioritizing maintenance is crucial:

  • Protecting Your Investment: Regular maintenance plays a vital role in preserving the condition of your properties. Neglecting repairs can lead to further deterioration, decreased property value, and higher operating costs. Think leaky faucets that escalate to water damage or clogged gutters that lead to foundation issues. Addressing minor issues promptly saves you money in the long run.
  • Resident Satisfaction & Safety: Living in a well-maintained property contributes significantly to resident satisfaction. Ignoring maintenance requests creates frustration and a sense of neglect. Prioritizing repairs ensures a safe and comfortable living environment for your residents.
  • Reduced Liability: Letting maintenance issues linger can expose you to legal trouble. For instance, a slip and fall because of an unaddressed ice patch on the sidewalk could result in a lawsuit. By promptly addressing maintenance requests, you’re mitigating potential liability risks.

Here’s how to ensure your properties are well-maintained:

  • Routine Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your properties to identify potential problems before they become major issues. This could involve monthly walkthroughs or annual comprehensive inspections.
  • Qualified Contractors: Develop relationships with qualified and reliable contractors who can handle various maintenance tasks. Verify references to confirm licensure and insurance. Oversee the quality and timeliness of their work to ensure efficient repairs.
  • Budgeting for Maintenance: Don’t underestimate the importance of budgeting for maintenance and repairs. Factor in routine maintenance costs and a reserve fund for unexpected emergencies and major repairs. This ensures you have the resources readily available when needed.
  • Communication Is Key: Like with resident complaints, keep residents informed throughout the maintenance process. Acknowledge their request promptly, explain the repair timeline, and provide updates if any delays occur. Open communication fosters trust and reduces frustration.
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, but it takes on an even greater significance in property management.

4. Poor Communication With Residents

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, but it takes on an even greater significance in property management. You’re constantly juggling interactions with a diverse group — your team members, property owners, residents, and vendors. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, delays, errors, and ultimately, dissatisfied customers.

Here’s how to ensure smooth communication:

  • Establish Clear Channels: Don’t leave your team and renters guessing how to reach you. Set up designated communication channels — email, phone calls, text messages, or online platforms like resident portals. Consistency is key — don’t make them chase you down across multiple platforms.
  • Frequency & Transparency: Aim for frequent, transparent communication. Regular updates keep everyone informed and in the loop. Don’t be afraid to share both good and bad news promptly and honestly.
  • Tailored Communication: A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Tailor your communication style to your audience. Use clear and concise language with residents, provide detailed reports to property owners, and foster open collaboration with your team.
  • Feedback & Listening: Communication is a two-way street. Listen to your team and renters’ concerns, questions, and suggestions. Provide positive and constructive feedback to keep everyone motivated and on track. Respond promptly and professionally, demonstrating that their input is valued.
  • Technology Advantage: Fortunately, technology is on your side. Utilizing property management software streamlines communication by centralizing information, automating tasks, and facilitating easy access for all parties involved. This reduces the risk of errors and keeps everyone on the same page, boosting overall efficiency.
  • Building Relationships: Effective communication goes beyond simply sharing information. It’s about fostering trust and building strong relationships. Schedule regular team meetings to discuss projects, address concerns, and celebrate successes. Open communication fosters a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing their best work.

5. Not Keeping Records and Documents

Failing to organize and store important documents properly can lead to a domino effect of problems, including missing records. Missing or disorganized records can make tracking important information (i.e., lease agreements, maintenance requests, and financial transactions) difficult. This can lead to confusion, errors, and wasted time.

Without clear documentation, disputes with residents over rent payments, security deposits, or repairs can become tangled. Without proper records, you may be unable to defend your position in a legal dispute, potentially resulting in hefty fines or even lawsuits.

Here’s how to ensure your records are organized, secure, and accessible:

  • Secure Storage: Utilize a secure and accessible system for storing your records. Cloud-based storage solutions offer convenience and accessibility, while traditional filing cabinets can work for paper documents.
  • Regular Review and Updates: Don’t let your records become an archive of forgotten paperwork. Schedule regular reviews to ensure all documents are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Compliance With Regulations: Retention laws vary depending on your location. Familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations regarding record keeping and disposal. Understanding these requirements ensures you’re adhering to legal mandates.
Effective record-keeping is a fundamental skill in property management. Most real estate transactions involve a mountain of paperwork — lease agreements, maintenance records, financial statements, and more.

Effective record-keeping is a fundamental skill in property management. Most real estate transactions involve a mountain of paperwork — lease agreements, maintenance records, financial statements, and more. 

Maintaining electronic copies alongside physical documents is essential in today’s digital age. This allows you to access crucial information even when you’re away from the office, ensuring you can always stay on top of your business.

6. Not Taking Advantage of Technology

Many property management software solutions can streamline your workflow and save you time. These tools can help you with tasks like screening residents, collecting rent online, managing maintenance requests, and generating reports. The fix? Research property management software options and find one that fits your needs and budget. Many offer free trials, so you can test them before committing.

7. Not Marketing Your Properties Effectively

Vacancies cost money. There’s no sugarcoating it. A well-defined multifamily marketing strategy is essential to attract qualified residents and keep your properties occupied. 

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Utilize a diverse range of multifamily marketing channels to reach your target audience.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Utilize a diverse range of multifamily marketing channels to reach your target audience. This could include:

  • Online Listings: High-quality listings on popular rental platforms are a must-have. If possible, showcase your properties with professional photos, detailed descriptions, and virtual tours.
  • Social Media Marketing: Use social media to connect with potential residents. Share engaging social media posts, run targeted ads, and create a community around your properties.
  • Website Presence: A professional website is a valuable asset. It lets you showcase your properties, provide leasing information, and establish your brand identity.
  • Offline Strategies: Don’t underestimate the power of traditional methods. Yard signs, local print ads, and partnerships with businesses in your area can still be effective ways to reach potential renters.

While a do-it-yourself approach is possible, managing a comprehensive marketing strategy can be time-consuming, especially as your portfolio grows. This is where partnering with a marketing agency can be a game-changer.

Think of a marketing agency as an extension of your multifamily property team. They can provide a wealth of expertise and resources to help you achieve your marketing goals and increase your bottom line. 

Here are just a few of the ways a marketing agency can streamline your marketing efforts:

  • Streamlined Marketing Collateral: Ordering eye-catching flyers, brochures, and other marketing materials can be a hassle. Criterion.B offers a one-stop shop for designing and ordering all your promotional needs to save time and ensure brand consistency.
  • Actionable Analytics & Reporting: A good marketing agency will leverage analytics tools to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. This data can reveal valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. They can help you set up and track key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improving your website’s ranking in search results so potential residents can easily find your listings.
  • Email Marketing: Creating targeted email campaigns to nurture leads and connect with potential renters.
  • Blogging and Content Creation: Developing engaging content that showcases your properties and attracts qualified leads via a blog post.
  • Social Media Management: Creating engaging content and managing interactions with potential residents across all social media channels.
  • Branding and Design: Developing a strong brand identity for your property management company, including logo design and website creation.
  • Website Development and Management: Building a user-friendly website that showcases your properties and provides a seamless leasing experience.

8. Not Staying Up-to-Date on Industry Trends

The property management industry constantly evolves, with new technologies and regulations emerging. Staying informed is important to ensure your business runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

The fix? Attend industry conferences, webinars, and workshops. Read industry publications and blogs to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

Want quick marketing tips and multifamily trends delivered straight to your inbox once a week? Sign up for our weekly email list to stay informed!

9. Ignoring Complaints & Not Focusing on Resident Retention

High resident turnover can be a major drain on your resources. It involves advertising costs of vacant units, showing apartments, screening new renters, and processing paperwork. It can also result in a loss of rental income during vacancy periods. But the hidden costs are even greater — negative reviews, a damaged reputation, and a revolving door of unhappy residents.

High resident turnover can be a major drain on your resources. It involves advertising costs of vacant units, showing apartments, screening new renters, and processing paperwork. It can also result in a loss of rental income during vacancy periods. But the hidden costs are even greater — negative reviews, a damaged reputation, and a revolving door of unhappy residents.

Here’s how to cultivate a thriving community that keeps renters happy:

  • Treat Renters with Respect: Building positive relationships starts with respect, courtesy, and professionalism. Respond to their needs and concerns promptly and effectively.
  • Responsive Complaint Resolution: A well-defined system for handling complaints is essential. This includes a clear process for receiving, recording, and resolving issues. Respond quickly to complaints to explain how you’ll address the problem. Keep residents updated throughout the process, and follow up after the repair.
  • Value Feedback and Communication: Open and transparent communication is key. Encourage feedback. Regularly solicit their input through surveys, resident meetings, or suggestion boxes. Actively listen to their concerns and suggestions, demonstrating their input is valued.
  • Offer Incentives for Renewals: Show your existing renters how much you appreciate them by offering incentives for lease renewals. This could include discounts on rent, free parking, or waived application fees.
  • Create a Sense of Community: Help your residents feel like they belong! Organize fun events, create social media groups for them to connect, or offer amenities that encourage interaction. When residents feel like part of a community, not just renters in a building, they’re more likely to want to renew their leases.

10. Micromanaging Your Team & Not Delegating Tasks

Learning the art of delegation becomes increasingly important as your property management portfolio expands. While you may be tempted to hold onto the reins and meticulously manage every detail yourself, this approach is ultimately unsustainable and can hinder your long-term success.

Micromanaging your team can have several negative consequences. It can stifle their motivation, creativity, and sense of autonomy. Constantly hovering over their shoulders can make them feel like they’re not trusted to do their jobs effectively, decreasing morale and productivity.

The solution lies in empowering your team through effective delegation.

  • Delegate Based on Strengths: Analyze your team members’ skills, experience, and interests. Assign tasks that align with their strengths and allow them to develop new skills.
  • Trust and Autonomy: Once you’ve delegated a task, trust your team to complete it without your constant oversight. Micromanaging every step is a recipe for frustration and resentment.
  • Support and Resources: Provide your team with the necessary resources for success, such as training materials, software tools, and clear guidelines.
  • Coaching for Growth: Don’t hesitate to offer guidance and support as needed. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback can help your team members grow in their roles.
Coaching for Growth: Don't hesitate to offer guidance and support as needed. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback can help your team members grow in their roles.

Often, managers who micromanage their teams worry their employees aren’t doing a good job. If you don’t communicate well with your team or can’t motivate them, they might not feel like doing their best work. Instead of hovering over them, invest in becoming a better leader. Learn how to communicate clearly and build a team environment where everyone feels trusted and responsible for their work.

Remember, you hired your team for a reason — you believe in their skills and potential. Start by delegating smaller projects that allow them to demonstrate their capabilities. As they gain confidence and experience, gradually increase their scope of responsibility. If they hit a roadblock, provide coaching and support to help them develop the skills they need to reach the next level.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Achieve Smart Marketing With a Commercial Real Estate Agency

Imagine this: your meticulously designed office space sits vacant, a pristine canvas gathering dust. Or maybe your trendy apartment community struggles to attract qualified residents despite boasting top-notch amenities. 

Simply having a fantastic commercial property isn’t enough. You need a strategic multifamily marketing plan that cuts through the noise and positions your offering as the ideal solution for your target audience.

This is where a commercial real estate marketing agency steps in, acting as your compass and confidant.

We're talking about more than just slapping a "for lease" sign on the door. A good agency, like Criterion.B, can become your one-stop shop for commercial real estate marketing, encompassing both multifamily and non-residential properties.

We’re talking about more than just slapping a “for lease” sign on the door. A good agency, like Criterion.B, can become your one-stop shop for commercial real estate marketing, encompassing both multifamily and non-residential properties.

Whether you’re a seasoned property owner or a newcomer to the market, navigating the complexities of digital multifamily marketing, crafting a compelling campaign, or establishing a distinct multifamily brand can feel overwhelming. This is where a multifamily marketing agency, like our team at Criterion.B, can be your secret weapon. We specialize in crafting unique brand narratives and developing data-driven strategies that resonate with your target audience.

The Evolving Landscape of Commercial Real Estate Marketing

You can no longer rely solely on traditional methods like print ads and cold calls. Today’s residents and tenants are digitally savvy, demanding a seamless online experience that showcases your property’s unique value proposition. This shift necessitates a comprehensive strategy that integrates various channels, including:

  • Digital Marketing: This encompasses website optimization, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing (SMM), and targeted online advertising to ensure your property reaches the right audience at the right time.
  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable content like blog posts, case studies, and whitepapers establishes you as a thought leader and attracts potential residents actively researching their options.
  • Email Marketing: Fostering strong relationships with potential and existing tenants through targeted email campaigns nurtures leads and keeps your property top-of-mind.
  • Public Relations (PR): Leveraging media relations and strategic partnerships can enhance your brand reputation and generate positive publicity for your property.
  • Data Analytics: Measuring and analyzing marketing campaign performance is crucial for optimizing your strategy and maximizing return on investment (ROI).
If you’re looking for a branding partner that delivers results and want to see some proof of success, then this case study is for you! NE Management, a property management company based in Dallas, needed a marketing partner that could assist with everything from branding, to website, to digital marketing. To present day, we still deliver and help keep their property LVL 29 at 95% occupancy.

Why Partner with a Commercial Real Estate Marketing Agency?

Managing all these diverse marketing elements in-house can be daunting, especially for busy property owners and managers. Here’s where a commercial real estate marketing agency like Criterion.B can be a game-changer:

Expertise and Experience

Our team comprises seasoned professionals who deeply understand the commercial real estate industry and the current marketing landscape. We stay ahead of emerging trends and best practices to ensure your marketing strategy is always optimized.

Strategic Planning and Execution

We work closely with you to understand your specific property goals and target audience. Then, we develop a customized multifamily marketing plan that aligns with your budget and objectives. Our team handles the entire execution process, from content creation and graphic design to campaign management and reporting.

Data-Driven Approach

We leverage data analytics to track the performance of your marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions that maximize results. We provide you with regular reports and insights to ensure transparency and keep you informed of the impact of your marketing efforts.

Enhanced Brand Storytelling

We help you craft a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your target audience and differentiates your property from competitors. Our team also creates high-quality marketing materials and branded promo items that showcase your property.

We help you craft a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your target audience and differentiates your property from competitors. Our team also creates high-quality marketing materials that showcase your commercial space's unique selling points.

Criterion.B: Your Trusted Partner for Commercial Real Estate Marketing Success

At Criterion.B, we believe in the power of strategic marketing to unlock the full potential of your commercial real estate assets. We are passionate about helping our clients achieve their business goals by developing and implementing marketing strategies that generate engagement, improve your brand presence, and set your properties up for success.

Here’s what sets Criterion.B apart:

  • Proven track record: We have a proven history of success in helping commercial real estate owners and managers achieve their marketing goals.
  • Client-centric approach: We tailor our services to your needs and budget, ensuring you maximize your multifamily marketing investment.
  • Data-driven insights: We base our recommendations on data and analytics to ensure your marketing strategy is always optimized for results.
  • Creative and innovative solutions: We think outside the box to develop unique and effective marketing campaigns that capture attention and drive results.
  • Transparent communication: We keep you informed every step of the way and provide you with regular reports on the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Ready to Take Your Multifamily Property to the Next Level?

If you’re a property manager looking to navigate the complexities of commercial real estate marketing and achieve your goals for your multifamily property, partnering with a qualified agency like Criterion.B is a strategic decision.

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you unlock the full potential of your multifamily community. Together, we can create a winning marketing strategy that positions your property at the top of search results for prospective residents.

Imagine this: a seamless online presence showcasing high-quality photos and virtual tours of your stunning floor plans. Our data-driven approach will ensure your multifamily property appears in all the right marketing channels, increasing engagement and bringing more prospects to your leasing agents. Our multifamily branding agency expertise allows us to craft a unique and memorable brand identity to make your property stand out.

Let Criterion.B be your partner in success. We’ll help you develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages the power of various marketing channels, virtual tours, and a strong online presence to showcase your multifamily community and turn interest into satisfied residents.

If you’re looking for a branding partner that delivers results and want to see some proof of success, then this case study is for you! NE Management, a property management company based in Dallas, needed a marketing partner that could assist with everything from branding, to website, to digital marketing. To present day, we still deliver and help keep their property LVL 29 at 95% occupancy.

How to Slay Your Multifamily Marketing Campaigns

Ever dreamt of launching a killer marketing campaign, only to get bogged down in endless email chains about flyers? Or maybe crafting fresh content feels like scaling Mount Everest while juggling resident requests?

If you’re a property manager, these scenarios are probably all too familiar. 

The truth is, even the best marketing ideas can get stuck in a rut, thanks to some common pain points. 

But fear not! Here’s the good news: we’re about to expose these pitfalls and offer solutions to streamline your processes and make your marketing a breeze. 

Imagine this scenario: You have a brilliant marketing campaign in mind, but its execution hinges on securing eye-catching flyers, high-quality brochures, and branded swag.

1. Ordering Marketing Collateral

Imagine this scenario: You have a brilliant marketing campaign in mind, but its execution hinges on securing eye-catching flyers, high-quality brochures, and branded swag. 

Sounds simple, right? Not always. 

Ordering these seemingly basic materials often gets bogged down in many back-and-forth emails with vendors. You spend hours negotiating quotes, sifting through design options, and chasing approvals. When you finally get your hands on the finished product, you have lost valuable time and marketing momentum.

Solution: Consider utilizing a centralized online platform like AMP Studio by Criterion.B. This platform streamlines the marketing collateral ordering process by offering a curated selection of pre-approved marketing materials, move-in gifts, promotional items, and uniforms. 

No more wading through endless vendor options or managing multiple usernames and passwords. Properties receive a unique link for ordering, ensuring standardization, quality, and cost-efficiency. Plus, AMP Studio automates communication with your internal teams for approvals and facilitates seamless billing.

AMP Studio: One centralized platform for easily ordering apartment move-in gifts, marketing materials, promo items, and more.

2. Creating (Quality) Content

Creating fresh, engaging content that resonates with your target audience is a constant struggle. We get it. Between a million and one property management duties, who has time to become a content creation rockstar?

Here’s the good news: generative AI platforms like Gemini, Bard, and ChatGPT can be your secret weapon for brainstorming content ideas and churning out preliminary drafts. Need a blog post on the top dog-friendly cafes near your property? These AI tools can whip you up a decent starting point quickly.

But hold on a sec before you hand over the reins entirely. While AI can be a great time-saver, it can’t replace the human touch. Here’s why:

  • Understanding Your Audience: AI might be able to analyze data and identify trends, but it can’t truly understand the nuances of your target audience. Human writers can tap into their experience and empathy to craft content that resonates deeper, addressing your residents’ specific pain points and aspirations.
  • Injecting Personality: AI-generated content can often feel robotic and generic. Human writers, on the other hand, can infuse your brand voice and personality into the content, making it more engaging and memorable.
  • Strategic Storytelling: Great content isn’t just about facts and figures; it’s about weaving a compelling narrative. Human writers excel at crafting stories that capture the reader’s attention and connect with them emotionally.

The Bottom Line: Think of generative AI as a helpful sidekick, not a superhero. Leverage its capabilities to streamline your content creation process, but don’t underestimate the power of human expertise in crafting content that resonates and drives results.

Solution: Our team of experienced writers and marketing specialists can work alongside you to develop a content calendar packed with engaging content that attracts and converts qualified leads. We’ll help you leverage industry trends and resident voices to make your content stand out, ensuring your property becomes a magnet for dream residents.

Think of generative AI as a helpful sidekick, not a superhero. Leverage its capabilities to streamline your content creation process, but don't underestimate the power of human expertise in crafting content that resonates and drives results.

3. Tracking Analytics & Making Sense of the Data

Understanding your target audience and tracking the effectiveness of your marketing efforts is crucial. However, sifting through mountains of data from various sources can be overwhelming. With clear insights, optimizing your campaigns and allocating resources efficiently is easier.

Solution: Let Criterion.B help you navigate the data deluge. We can provide expert analysis to help you understand what’s working and what’s not in your marketing strategy. We’ll help you identify key metrics to track progress and leverage data-driven insights to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

4. Leveraging Social Media & Facebook Ads

Reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time can feel like a constant guessing game. Traditional marketing methods often cast a wide net, potentially wasting resources on unqualified leads. Meanwhile, social media demands constant vigilance to ensure your target audience sees your messaging.

Solution: Criterion.B can help you refine your targeting strategy and leverage the power of social media marketing and targeted advertising. We can help you create laser-focused buyer personas to ensure your marketing efforts resonate with the right people. Additionally, we can develop targeted advertising campaigns across various platforms to maximize reach and engagement.

Grow your online presence and enhance your multifamily marketing strategy with this free social media for apartments checklist.

5. Managing Multiple Vendors & Third Parties

Marketing budgets are often under constant scrutiny. Balancing creativity with cost-effectiveness can be a real balancing act. Trying to juggle multiple marketing vendors and projects can easily eat away at your precious resources.

Solution: Partnering with Criterion.B offers a cost-effective solution. Our team offers a comprehensive suite of marketing services, eliminating the need to manage multiple vendors. We work closely with you to develop a strategic plan that aligns with your budget and marketing goals.

Marketing Magic, Not Marketing Mayhem

Imagine this: you’ve nailed down the perfect marketing strategy to attract dream prospects and keep your NOI high. Now, picture yourself free from the daily marketing grind, focusing on what truly matters — managing your thriving business.

This isn’t just a fantasy. You can transform your marketing efforts from a frustrating slog to a strategic superpower by tackling these common pain points. But here’s the secret weapon: you don’t have to go it alone.

Partnering with a multifamily branding agency like Criterion.B and utilizing AMP Studio is like having a team of marketing ninjas in your corner. We’ll handle the heavy lifting — from crafting captivating content to streamlining collateral ordering — so you can focus on what you do best.

Think of it this way: a seamless multifamily marketing strategy frees up your time and resources, allowing you to invest in your business. The result? A thriving organization where prospects feel valued. 

Now, that’s a win-win situation worth celebrating.

2024 Multifamily Marketing Trends Report

Multifamily Marketing vs. Advertising: Stop Confusing Them & Start Winning! 

The digital marketing landscape constantly evolves with new tools and emerging trends. One of the hottest topics is generative AI, a powerful tool that transforms content creation and customer engagement. 

But even with all these exciting advancements, a fundamental question remains: What’s the difference between marketing and advertising?

Understanding this distinction is critical to reaching your target audience. While both aim to influence people’s thoughts about your products or services, they take different approaches. 

Let’s break it down for 2024 and explore how generative AI plays a role in this ever-changing field.

Advertising: The Bullhorn With a Target

Think of advertising as a paid announcement. It’s a way to create buzz and let potential customers know about your offerings. Ads on social media platforms, billboards, or TV commercials are all examples. They grab attention and often tell people what to do next, like visit a website or make a purchase.

Imagine a real estate company in Dallas-Fort Worth, where construction is booming. They might use eye-catching billboards to advertise their services. These billboards act as ads, drawing attention and connecting with potential clients.

Marketing: The Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Marketing is the bigger picture. It’s a strategic plan that includes everything from figuring out your unique selling proposition (USP) to creating content and managing customer relationships. It sets the stage for impactful advertising.

Here’s how marketing helps create powerful advertising:

  • Finding Your “Why”: Marketing enables you to understand what makes your company special. This unique value proposition is the foundation of all your marketing efforts, including advertising.
  • Knowing Your Audience: “Buyer personas” are detailed profiles of your ideal customers. They consider age, interests, and problems your product can solve. By understanding your target audience, you can craft advertising messages that resonate with them.
  • Building Relationships: Today’s consumers want a conversation. Marketing helps you create a two-way dialogue with your audience on social media platforms or through email marketing. This builds trust and loyalty, something paid advertising alone might need help.

Content Is King (and Queen)

People are more likely to pay attention to exciting content than flashy ads. Statistics show that content marketing, such as blog posts or social media content, can yield a better return on investment (ROI) than traditional advertising.

We all get bombarded with ads. The key is to make them relevant, not annoying. Here’s where targeted advertising comes in.

Digital Advertising Gets Personal

Digital advertising is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach. Enter Personalized Ads: A New Era. 

With targeted ads, messages are carefully crafted to resonate with specific buyer personas, taking into account demographics, interests, and online behavior. This shift from generic advertising to hyper-personalized messaging makes ads less intrusive and more relevant, potentially transforming them from an annoyance into a useful tool.

However, successful marketing goes beyond advertising. A strong social media presence, engaging content, and excellent customer service are crucial for building brand loyalty and fostering positive customer experiences.  

The digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, and businesses that can adapt their strategies to leverage the power of personalization, prioritize audience engagement across channels like social media, and deliver exceptional customer service will be the ones that thrive.

However, the key is to be smart about your approach. 67% of small businesses make less than $3 for every dollar spent on ads. If your ad spending often yields diminishing returns, then it's time to rethink your marketing approach.

Paid Media Still Works

While content marketing is powerful, paid advertising remains valuable. It’s cost-effective and has a proven track record of success. 

However, the key is to be smart about your approach. 67% of small businesses make less than $3 for every dollar spent on ads. If your ad spending often yields diminishing returns, then it’s time to rethink your marketing approach.

Here’s where a comprehensive marketing strategy comes in. By understanding your target audience and creating engaging content for them, you can lay the groundwork for successful paid advertising campaigns. 

Additionally, staying on top of the latest digital marketing trends, including content creation and influencer marketing, is crucial to maximize your ad spend.

New technologies like generative AI can help you optimize your paid media efforts. AI can automate repetitive tasks like ad creation and targeting, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making. Additionally, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective ad placements and messaging for your target audience.

With a well-rounded multifamily marketing strategy and leveraging cutting-edge AI tools, you can significantly improve your return on ad spend and reach your target audience more effectively.

The AI Revolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaking things up in marketing and advertising. Here are some ways AI is changing the game:

  • Content Creation Powerhouse: AI can create high-quality content like product descriptions and social media posts, freeing marketers to focus on more significant ideas.
  • Super-Personalized Marketing: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to understand customer preferences. This allows for hyper-personalized marketing campaigns, delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.
  • Marketing on Autopilot: AI can automate repetitive tasks like managing campaigns and optimizing ads, freeing marketers to focus on creative strategies that drive higher conversion rates.
When used strategically, marketing and advertising can be a game-changer for your business. Companies with a strong brand presence generate 33% higher revenue. Likewise, businesses prioritizing customer experience see a 60% increase in profits.

The Future Is Engaged and Data-Driven

When used strategically, marketing and advertising can be a game-changer for your business. Companies with a strong brand presence generate 33% higher revenue. Likewise, businesses prioritizing customer experience see a 60% increase in profits. 

A well-executed multifamily marketing strategy that leverages AI and prioritizes audience engagement is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity for survival and growth.

Crafting a Foolproof Content Marketing Workflow for Engaging Emails

Considering that for every $1 spent, email marketing generates a return of $36, it’s clear that emails are still a potent tool for multifamily. This return on investment (ROI) makes it one of the most efficient marketing strategies.

However, while its potential for reaching your target audience with personalized messages is undeniable, the sheer complexity and time-consuming nature of managing email campaigns can be overwhelming.

Enter the world of marketing automation workflows, a game-changer that has the potential to transform your multifamily business’s approach to email marketing completely. It’s more than just a time-saving technique; it’s a strategic shift that can revolutionize how you handle contacts, monitor analytics, and streamline your email marketing strategy.

Unleashing the Potential of Automation

Marketing automation is your secret weapon in taking multifamily email marketing to the next level. With dedicated software and tools like Go High Level, you can create workflows that save time and elevate the quality of your email campaigns.

With email automation, you can revolutionize your multifamily marketing approach in several key ways:

1. Automated Email Campaigns

Multifamily companies can design and schedule automated email campaigns that cater to the unique needs of their customers, investors, and partners. This automation ensures your audience receives timely and relevant updates without manual intervention. 

2. Targeted Segmentation

Email automation allows for segmenting your customer and client lists based on various criteria such as interests, history, and preferences. This means that messages can be tailored to specific groups, ensuring that each person receives content that aligns with their needs. This level of personalization fosters a stronger connection between the company and its target audience, ultimately enhancing satisfaction. 

Email automation allows for segmenting your customer and client lists based on various criteria such as interests, history, and preferences. This means that messages can be tailored to specific groups, ensuring that each person receives content that aligns with their needs. This level of personalization fosters a stronger connection between the company and its target audience, ultimately enhancing satisfaction.

3. Enhanced Engagement

Through automated emails, multifamily companies can maintain regular engagement with their audience. These automated touchpoints inform your audience about updates, developments, and exciting opportunities. This consistent and proactive communication keeps your audience engaged and builds trust.

4. Time and Cost Savings

The power of automation lies in its ability to handle repetitive tasks efficiently. With email automation, multifamily companies can automate tasks like sending welcome emails, distributing resources, and nurturing leads. This automation not only saves valuable time but also reduces operational costs. With automated processes, companies can redirect their resources toward building and strengthening customer and client relationships.

Incorporating email automation into their strategies, multifamily companies unlock a range of benefits that enhance engagement and satisfaction and lead to substantial time and cost savings. It’s a dynamic tool that empowers these companies to operate more efficiently and effectively.

5. Monitoring Analytics in Real-Time

Marketing automation platforms provide real-time analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns. You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights empower you to make data-driven decisions and refine your strategies. 

Marketing automation platforms provide real-time analytics to track your email campaigns' performance. You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights empower you to make data-driven decisions and refine your strategies.

6. Never Losing Track of a Lead

Managing leads from various sources in the multifamily industry can be daunting. Marketing automation workflows automate lead nurturing. Set up drip campaigns that deliver timely and relevant content to leads, keeping them engaged and moving them through the sales funnel.

Creating a Content Marketing Workflow

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective email marketing. To ensure your emails consistently provide value to your audience, you need a well-defined content marketing workflow. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a content marketing workflow that guarantees your multifamily emails are always valuable and engaging:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Begin by setting clear objectives for your email marketing campaign. What are you trying to achieve with your emails? Are you aiming to educate your audience, promote new properties, or provide valuable insights into the multifamily market? Defining your objectives will guide your content creation process.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is paramount. Segment your email list based on demographics, preferences, and interests. This segmentation allows you to tailor your content to specific groups, ensuring each email resonates with its intended recipients.

Step 3: Content Ideation

Brainstorm content ideas that align with your objectives and audience segments. Consider creating a content calendar to plan your email topics and publication dates. Your content should address your multifamily investors’ and partners’ pain points and interests.

Step 4: Content Creation

Once you have your content ideas, it’s time to create them. Whether it’s informative articles, property updates, market trends, or investment opportunities, ensure your content is well-researched, engaging, and valuable. Invest in high-quality visuals and copywriting to enhance the overall quality of your emails. 

Once you have your content ideas, it's time to create them. Whether it's informative articles, property updates, market trends, or investment opportunities, ensure your content is well-researched, engaging, and valuable. Invest in high-quality visuals and copywriting to enhance the overall quality of your emails.

Step 5: Email Templates

Design visually appealing email templates that are mobile-responsive and user-friendly. Your templates should align with your brand’s identity and make it easy to present your content effectively. Many email marketing platforms offer customizable templates for this purpose.

Step 6: Scheduling and Automation

Set up an email schedule that aligns with your content calendar. Automation tools within your email marketing platform can help you schedule emails in advance, ensuring timely delivery to your audience. Automation also allows you to segment emails based on user actions and preferences.

Step 7: Personalization

Implement personalization tactics within your emails. Use recipient names, dynamic content, and personalized recommendations based on their past interactions with your emails. Personalization adds a human touch and increases engagement.

Step 8: Testing and Optimization

Regularly test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content layout, and visuals. Analyze open, click-through, and conversion rates to identify what works best for your audience. Use these insights to optimize your content and email strategies continuously.

Step 9: Reporting and Analysis

Leverage the analytics provided by your email marketing platform to track the performance of your emails. Monitor key metrics like engagement, unsubscribe rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your content marketing workflow and make informed decisions.

Step 10: Feedback Loop

Encourage feedback from your audience. Provide opportunities for subscribers to share their thoughts and preferences. Use their input to fine-tune your content and ensure it consistently meets their expectations.

Which Email Automation Platform Is Best?

While numerous email marketing platforms exist, Go High Level and Hubspot are two of our favorites. This platform offers an all-in-one solution for multifamily businesses, encompassing a wide range of marketing automation tools within a single platform. This comprehensive approach simplifies your email marketing endeavors by consolidating campaign management, CRM integration, and lead tracking under one roof.

Automation is at the core of Go High Level’s capabilities. You can automate lead nurturing, follow-up sequences, and even appointment scheduling. The platform also seamlessly integrates with other tools and platforms, including CRM systems and lead generation tools, allowing you to build a cohesive marketing ecosystem.

Automation is the key to unlocking the full potential of your multifamily email marketing strategy. It’s the tool that can help you streamline your efforts, improve lead management, and deliver measurable results. By embracing marketing automation workflows and leveraging tools like Go High Level, you can elevate your email marketing services and stay ahead in the multifamily industry.

The True Value of a Qualified Lead in Multifamily Marketing

For commercial real estate marketing professionals, adapting to the rapid shift toward digital methods is both challenging and essential. Traditional property marketing techniques, honed over decades, are familiar to many. Yet, the evolution of the commercial real estate market trends points unmistakably toward the burgeoning significance of online platforms and digital outreach.

Navigating this digital realm can often feel like venturing into uncharted territory. While old marketing methods are quickly embraced due to years of experience, commercial real estate digital marketing strategies often face skepticism. These modern strategies’ tangible benefits and efficiencies, such as lower implementation costs, are frequently overshadowed by doubts and resistance. This evolving scenario poses a unique problem for multifamily marketing managers attempting to position themselves at the forefront of real estate marketing strategy innovation.

So, how can one effectively convey the value of a lead, especially a qualified apartment lead, within this digital framework? The challenge might seem daunting, but understanding and leveraging the potential of digital tools is crucial for marketers determined to stay ahead in the game.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

The Quantitative: Doing the Math

When navigating the intricacies of multifamily marketing, one of the foremost concerns that real estate agents and marketers face is justifying the costs to their executive team. While these teams frequently zoom in on ROI as the primary measure of success, a holistic view of marketing efforts suggests this isn’t the only metric that matters.

Why? Understanding the ROI in the world of real estate marketing requires a deep dive into the needs and behaviors of the target audience. Further complicating matters, there are numerous ways to calculate marketing ROI, each offering unique insights tailored to different real estate marketing ideas.

For those deeply entrenched in commercial real estate marketing, the prevalent method to gauge ROI is the “cost per lead.” But here’s where many face a problem: Does this metric encompass all leads, or does it specifically address qualified leads? If you’re using a real estate website to generate leads, search engines can often bring a mix of visitors, not all of whom are part of your target market. When examining the broad spectrum of all leads, the cost-per-unqualified lead will invariably seem more economical.

However, a closer look reveals the nuances. Many of these leads, especially those seeking properties like office space or virtual tours of property listings, might not align with what’s being offered, making them a less-than-ideal fit or not ready to purchase.

This initial cost, often deceivingly attractive, fails to factor in the lead’s position in the buyer’s journey, whether they’re just becoming aware or on the brink of making a decision. Consequently, this metric overlooks essential expenses, such as the costs of nurturing these leads through tailored marketing strategies or the eventual sales pitch.

Cost Per Lead

However, the standard “cost-per-lead” is likely a sufficient metric for companies playing the lead generation game. That formula is simple enough. You take the marketing spend and then divide it by the number of leads.

Marketing Spend / Total New Leads = Cost Per Lead (CPL)

But depending on your end goals, this may not be the number your executive team wants. They may be more interested in your cost per marketing qualified lead (MQL) — or a lead ready to go to sales. This number is not too complicated, either.

Divide the marketing tactic spend by the number of MQLs you got through that method. That’s your MQL cost. Not tracking MQLs? You will not be able to backtrack your MQLs, but we have some tips on setting up your lead qualification for the future.  

Marketing Tactic Spend / Total New MQLs = Cost Per MQL

This metric will likely garner better interest than a standard cost per lead, but executives will likely want more. This is where “return on spend” comes in, which shows the actual value of your efforts by relaying how those efforts impacted your bottom line. In other words, it’s the amount you earn in the business compared to your spend. This number is much harder to get; however, it can be a significant selling point in convincing your boss of the value of your efforts.

First, you must know the lifetime value of your customers.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

Lifetime Value

Calculating the lifetime value of your customer is simple enough, but your formula will vary based on the nature of your product or service. If you are a subscription-based service, you will want to know the average monthly spend of a customer. If you offer a one-time product or service, you must consider typical upsells, which can increase your averages. There’s no simple formula, but once you go through this process with your sales data, you should be able to come up with a reasonable average.

The next step is to look at conversion rates of qualified leads — namely, how many marketing-qualified leads become sales-qualified leads and the average close rate of a sales-qualified lead. Got that number? You are going to use it to calculate the MQL value.

MQL Value

The MQL value is vital because it benchmarks how much an MQL should be worth. It’s also key in calculating return on spend. With this number and your cost per MQL, you can calculate the return on any marketing spend — email campaign, social media ad, etc. It’s as simple as dividing the MQL value by the cost per MQL

MQL Value / Cost Per MQL = Return on Spend

This number can help commercial real estate marketers justify marketing endeavors. However, it’s not the only one you should look at. A better snapshot number could be “return on campaign,” which looks at your endeavors. Much like a standard ROI number, return on campaign operates on similar calculations, but while looking at the components of your marketing campaign over the set time it ran.

Traditional ROI computations look like this:

(Sales Growth – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost = Return on Investment

However, with campaigns in mind, there are often different or additional costs involved, and not all sales may result from the campaign. If you run a single campaign at a time, you could modify this calculation to reflect any natural growth you see on average.

(Sales Growth – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost – Avg. Organic Growth = Return on Campaign

This gives you a more standard return that executives are used to interacting with. However, if you run multiple campaigns simultaneously, you can calculate individual returns on each campaign by taking a more roundabout approach. This involves looking at customers acquired from the campaign and multiplying the average sales and margin. Then, you subtract your campaign budget. This gives a more accurate number as to the contributory effect of each campaign.

(# Campaign Customers * Avg. Sale Amt. * Avg. Margin) – Campaign Budget = Return on Campaign

These numbers may not be simple to master or even remember; however, they’re a great way of proving marketing’s worth to your executive team.

The Qualitative: Remembering the Immeasurable

People like numbers because they are easily digestible. A number tells a simple story. But a number can also be manipulated. And a number doesn’t always tell the full story. Often, having numbers is not enough — you also need a narrative. This is where “qualitative” value comes in.

A great return on spend will undoubtedly do well to impress your C-suite with your marketing efforts. But what if you told them you also could decrease your sales cycle by a few months? That would garner strong attention as well. This is just one example of qualitative value when discussing your marketing endeavors — and the unexpected benefits of running a solid digital marketing campaign.

Digital Marketing Is Iterative

Another positive qualitative value? Certain parts of a digital marketing strategy are iterative. Commercial real estate marketers may need to develop new content or web pages for campaigns, but much of the groundwork is already done. And most of it will not need to be done again. Or at least not soon.

Buyer personas and the associated buyer’s journey may need adjustments over time. However, none of that will compare to the initial costs of developing these items. This means that over time, your ROI will likely decrease, as the costs of these components can technically be spread across each campaign. It’s hard to calculate this as a number, but it certainly goes into ascribing value to the lead process.

Qualified Leads for Commercial Real Estate Marketers

The biggest qualitative value that inbound offers is qualified leads. Traditional marketing methods gather unqualified leads sent to sales — or worse, cold-calling. On the other hand, inbound marketing puts a process in place that qualifies leads naturally through offers and nurture campaigns.

This systematically improves the marketing process, allowing leads to qualify themselves as you push out more content. In turn, you shorten the time and resources the sales team spends qualifying leads. This means commercial real estate marketers’ qualified leads from the inbound process cost less than the qualified leads you get through another method.

The Bottom Line of Lead Value

So, what does this mean for commercial real estate marketers?

Pulling it all together, a digital marketing program like multifamily inbound marketing allows you to ascribe worth to the apartment leads you gather easily. Multifamily inbound marketing also enables you to prove that the costs and returns associated with those leads are of greater value to your business than leads garnered from more traditional methods.

In coupling calculations like return on spend, you can prove your leads’ quantitative and qualitative value. As we noted previously, inbound marketing offers improved cost-per-lead values and lower implementation costs. But it’s one thing to know it and another thing to prove it to your executive team.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

Navigating the Balancing Act Between Sales and Marketing Teams

A synergy between sales and marketing teams lies at the heart of a successful multifamily marketing plan. In the commercial real estate sector, marketing centers on intelligence and data gathering, while sales focus on execution; yet, their roles are deeply intertwined.

The marketing team dives deep into rent data, conducts market research, and absorbs the multifamily industry’s broad scope. Based on this data, they identify potential leads and then pass the baton to sales. The sales team then educates the public, forges relationships, and drives new business acquisitions while gathering invaluable on-the-ground insights.

But here’s the crux: even though their day-to-day functions differ, one cannot thrive without the other.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

Balancing the Equation in Multifamily Marketing and Sales

While sales and marketing may occasionally be at odds, with different perspectives and expectations from each other, their success hinges on mutual reliance.

Marketing teams need sales insights. Sales teams often offer a ground-zero perspective, giving marketing a clear picture of potential customers’ reactions and feedback. Conversely, sales teams heavily depend on marketing for aggregated data, market trends, and overviews, ensuring they align with the broader business strategy.

But how do you ensure this balance is maintained?

Bridging the Divide for Effective Multifamily Marketing Plans

To maximize the potential of a multifamily marketing plan, unity between sales and marketing is non-negotiable. Both teams should have an appreciation for each other’s roles and challenges.

Imagine if professionals had to spend some time in the opposite camp before rising to senior roles like Sales VP or Marketing VP. Such cross-functional experiences can foster mutual respect, better understanding, and more collaborative strategies.

Promote a culture where the company views sales and marketing teams as equal pillars supporting its growth. Both should operate at the same hierarchical level, emphasizing collaboration over competition. The old “us vs. them” mentality? It’s time for that to go.

Boosting Customer Engagement Through Cohesion

What is the tangible outcome of a harmonized sales and marketing approach in multifamily operations? High-quality leads. Lead quality significantly uplifts when both teams are in sync, especially in an inbound marketing framework.

Inbound marketing, peppered with rich content like whitepapers, blogs, and social media, serves as a tool to educate potential clients. With this approach, prospects are well-informed before the sales team engages them. They know the services offered, have weighed their options, and when they reach out, they ask intelligent, informed questions, streamlining the conversion process.

Remember, an effective inbound multifamily marketing plan thrives on a united front between sales and marketing.

Sales and marketing are not just departments but the twin engines propelling a multifamily business forward. Multifamily marketing plans can soar to new heights by fostering a symbiotic relationship, driving leads, conversions, and business growth. The question isn’t whether they should coexist but how best to ensure they flourish together.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

How to Support Consistent Growth for Your Multifamily Business

The multifamily market has seen a paradigm shift with the rise of inbound marketing. A comprehensive perspective is vital as you construct your marketing funnel, from crafting insightful blog posts to launching targeted Facebook ads.

New marketers eager to build captivating campaigns and hone their content marketing efforts might sometimes overlook crucial elements like the leasing agent’s strategic role and the nuances of the target audience.

Without a dynamic strategy for enticing potential customers, even the most detailed funnel risks stagnation. Ensuring that every facet of your marketing efforts works harmoniously is essential for generating loyal customers.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.

Focusing on the Funnel

A successful marketing idea hinges on mastering the inbound marketing funnel. For those who are new to this approach, it’s common to launch numerous campaigns with a keen focus on the buyer’s journey at every stage.

However, the true secret lies in optimizing strategies for prospective customers. Emphasizing search engine optimization (SEO) ensures your business consistently appears atop search results, making it more visible to potential customers.

Campaigns certainly have their place, but the key to long-term success is concentrating efforts at the funnel’s top. This is where initial interest from potential customers is captured.

Without this interest, there’s no pool of leads to nurture or engage with. Excellent customer service and content tailored specifically for your target audience is essential. With this approach, you can guarantee a steady flow of visitors and create opportunities to convert them into long-term customers or clients.

Making Your Multifamily Marketing Funnel Scalable

The key to any business growth is scalability. But how do you translate a marketing funnel to meet scalability needs?

The first requirement is to look solely at the numbers. If you are struggling to bring in 1,500 web visitors per month and are only converting that traffic to leads at a rate of 3%, the outlook for company growth is not promising.

When faced with this kind of issue, it is essential to change your funnel, albeit one at a time. Again, your concern should be primarily on your traffic generation or how to increase that visitation from 1,500. If nothing else, an increase in site traffic to around 5,000 monthly with a steady lead rate of 3% can still significantly impact your top-of-funnel multifamily leads from 45 to 150 a month.

But how do you increase this traffic to such a rate? Again, your focus should be content. Experimenting with your content tilt, improving your content amount, and changing how you promote your content can contribute to higher traffic.

Maintain Consistent Conversion Rates

Achieving a scalable marketing funnel hinges on the stability of conversion rates, a crucial metric for multifamily marketing professionals. The effectiveness of your efforts, particularly in areas like landing pages, forms, and special offers, plays a significant role in driving these conversion rates.

For instance, if you’ve historically experienced a 5% conversion rate from visitors to leads and a subsequent 1% from leads to actual customers, it’s paramount that these figures remain steady or, even better, show improvement to ensure the potential for long-term growth.

Consistent conversion rates don’t just offer a static picture; they enable forward-thinking marketers to predict the number of potential customers or clients that may enter the lead generation pool within a given timeframe. Moreover, closely monitoring these rates allows you to gauge the number of leads likely to transition further down the sales funnel.

The integration of well-maintained buyer’s journey content, coupled with feedback from your sales team and tactics such as multifamily SEO, ensures that your content resonates with the target audience and that you are on track to meeting the overarching objectives of your marketing campaign.

Keeping Up With the Content

For businesses seeing inbound success, it is tempting to lapse in your efforts or change direction due to comfortable growth. However, this can be incredibly damaging to your business. Your content needs to be consistent.

Again, we return to the issue of scalability. Knowing that content is the basis of bringing in multifamily traffic, it’s important to maintain that generation to maintain results. But how do you do that without your content growing stale? It’s a matter of knowing your audience so that you can take a leading approach in content creation.

Ideally, as you grow, it should be simple for your business to put processes in place to become a content machine. Keeping up with your content ensures your business can continue to grow easily.

Leveraging Technology for Insightful Thought Leadership

Multifamily businesses can’t afford to lag. Integrating technology and data analytics into your marketing approach can offer significant advantages.

1. Harnessing CRM Systems

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are no longer a luxury but a necessity. These platforms give you a holistic view of each prospective customer, tracing their journey from mere visitors to committed customers or clients. Analyzing this data lets you pinpoint where potential customers or clients might drop off, allowing for timely interventions and targeted strategies.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making

Relying on gut feelings is a strategy of the past. Today, successful multifamily marketers bank on actionable insights derived from data analytics. By studying patterns, behaviors, and preferences of potential customers, marketing strategies can be fine-tuned to match the exact needs and desires of the target audience. This ensures higher conversion rates and, ultimately, more signed leases.

3. Automated Marketing Campaigns

Automation in marketing can be a game-changer. Imagine tailoring specific email campaigns for different segments of your audience, triggered by particular actions they take. This ensures that the content is relevant to the recipient and reaches them opportunely, increasing the chances of conversion.

4. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. What works today might not be as effective tomorrow. Therefore, continuous learning and staying updated with the latest marketing trends, technological tools, and best practices are crucial. Regular training sessions, workshops, and webinars can help multifamily marketers stay ahead of the curve.

While content marketing fundamentals remain rooted in understanding and catering to the buyer’s journey, the tools and technologies available to us have greatly expanded. These tools can help you maintain traffic and ensure sustained growth and expansion in an increasingly competitive market.

How can different marketing methods impact your brand? This marketing story infographic looks at four popular marketing methods and explains how each impact a fictional company looking to grow and expand. Discover how these different methods could impact your business.