Rentlytics, a former SaaS-based data analytics platform for the multifamily industry that was acquired by RealPage, knew that creating great content was one of the best ways to generate leads, which is why they enlisted the help of Criterion.B to bring their content marketing campaigns to life.

Knowing the popularity and perceived value of eBooks among Rentlytics’ target audience, our team went right to work to deliver high-quality content that would drive engagement.

14 Multifamily SEO Facts You Didn't Know (Plus Tips for Implementing these SEO Tips Into Your Multifamily Marketing Strategy)

The Process

Our content writers and designers collaborated to create an educational and engaging eBook filled with valuable information geared toward Rentlytics’ buyer persona.

We researched and developed 15 pages of copy focused on a highly relevant topic in the multifamily industry — “Why You Need Business Intelligence in Your 2019 Budget (and How to Get It).”

Our team also set out to deliver an eBook that matched Rentlytics’ branding while incorporating new design elements inspired by innovation, technology, and the future of multifamily.

The finished eBook demonstrates the quality of work our team produces to earn engagement for our clients and showcases a perfect marriage between strong design and compelling content.

The Results

While quality long-form content is a great way to drive engagement, downloadable offers can drive even better results when paired with a robust marketing distribution strategy.

With our attractively designed eBook in hand, the Rentlytics team pushed the offer through various channels, including an email blast, newsletters, their blog, and social media. Our eBook, coupled with their robust distribution strategy, resulted in more than 500 downloads.

14 Multifamily SEO Facts You Didn't Know (Plus Tips for Implementing these SEO Tips Into Your Multifamily Marketing Strategy)