The Dynamic Duo: Creating Content Magic With ChatGPT and Our Content Marketing Agency

Digital content marketing can be challenging, especially when you have many other operations tasks. Enter Open AI ChatGPT.

The ChatGPT app has revolutionized digital content marketing and how we handle content writing, editing, and multifamily graphic design.

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The biggest concerns surrounding this new artificial intelligence feature are: “How does ChatGPT work?” “What are good ChatGPT prompts?” and “Do I still need to hire a content marketing agency?”

Let’s answer each of these questions…

The Future of Generative AI in Property Management Marketing

Much like the shift to digital content marketing in recent years, the rise of generative AI has been slow but steady. And just in the last year, it has BOOMED.

Many industries are still coming aboard the realm of inbound marketing but not quite utilizing generative AI. However, Open AI ChatGPT will be key to becoming more efficient with your content marketing to stand out.

Effective content will help you embrace the feedback loop that allows your content to grow and develop. Only then will your content reach your targeting goals and give you the results you’re aiming for.

Understanding the Value of Generative AI

Before we can dive into how to use open source AI and answer “How does ChatGPT work?” we first need to discuss the benefits of using Open AI.

Generative AI provides marketers a powerful tool to streamline content creation processes and drive engagement. Ultimately, it allows marketers to quickly create large volumes of high-quality content, saving time and effort. 

This technology offers fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, sparking creativity and enabling marketers to explore new angles in their content strategies. Moreover, this AI writing tool can optimize content for search engines, enhancing organic visibility and driving website traffic. 

How Does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT operates on a sophisticated deep-learning model known as a transformer. This model is trained on vast text data to develop a deep understanding of language patterns and structures. 

When a user provides ChatGPT prompts, the model analyzes the context and generates a response based on learned knowledge. It breaks down the ChatGPT prompts into segments, attends to the relevant parts, and generates a coherent output. 

The training process involves exposing the model to a massive dataset that includes diverse sources such as books, articles, websites, and more. This exposure enables the writing tool to learn grammar, facts, reasoning abilities, and even some degree of creativity. The ChatGPT app gradually improves its ability to generate human-like responses through this iterative training process.

It’s important to note that while open source AI can produce impressive outputs, it should be used with caution and human oversight to ensure accuracy and maintain ethical standards.

And full disclosure: The AI writing tool wrote the above section about “How does ChatGPT work?”. Why? Because who knows ChatGPT better than the generative AI platform itself? This is exactly what we mean by supplementing your AI content with human oversight: no one knows your business like you do (or your content marketing agency).

How to Use ChatGPT

When utilizing open source AI for your digital content marketing, it’s important to understand how to leverage its capabilities effectively.

1. Use Open AI as a jumping-off tool to generate ideas.

Open source AI is best used to help kickstart your writing process, not execute the entire writing process. Provide clear and specific prompts to guide the AI in generating relevant content. ChatGPT’s output should be a starting point rather than a final piece.

2. Review all generative AI content for accuracy.

Maintain a critical eye and thoroughly review the generated content for accuracy, tone, and consistency with your brand voice. Make necessary edits and additions to ensure the content aligns with your objectives and resonates with your target audience. 

3. Utilize open source AI for keyword research and optimization. 

Extract valuable insights from the AI-generated content to identify relevant keywords and phrases that can enhance your search engine rankings. 

4. Bring human writers and editors into the process.

Embrace the collaborative nature of the ChatGPT app by involving human writers and editors who can infuse creativity, authenticity, and expert knowledge into the content. By combining the power of AI writing with human expertise, you can create compelling and high-quality content that drives results in your digital content marketing efforts.

Embrace the collaborative nature of the ChatGPT app by involving human writers and editors who can infuse creativity, authenticity, and expert knowledge into the content. By combining the power of AI writing with human expertise, you can create compelling and high-quality content that drives results in your digital content marketing efforts.

Use Humanized Content to Develop High-Performing Results

Have you ever received an email with your name in the subject line or a newsletter closely tied to a topic you’d been researching? That’s a form of content intelligence. The epitome of content intelligence is the ability to take names or other information gathered about prospects and use that information to enhance content. 

Imagine being a decision-maker at a multifamily property interested in a third-party vendor company’s services. Wouldn’t that level of personalization, paired with an email that answers your questions, sway your decision to hire that company at your property?

Studies show that personalized messages can increase email open rates (17.6% open rate vs. 11.4% without personalization). This allows for more information to be gathered and improves your results. It’s a cyclical and powerful process. 

The most important thing is to ensure you’re utilizing all the right tools to inform your content. While you can provide ChatGPT prompts to include personalization in the AI-generated content output, the bottom line is that Open AI ChatGPT does not know your brand as you do. And, as mentioned above, it also doesn’t know your customers like you do. Take advantage of this knowledge and personalize your content for the best results.

What Are Good ChatGPT Prompts?

ChatGPT prompts are specific and provide sufficient context for the desired output. They should be framed as questions, statements, or instructions that guide the AI’s response in a targeted manner.

You want to treat this AI writing platform like an intern, providing clear instructions and not being afraid to give it additional instructions if you do not like the provided output.

For example, ChatGPT prompts that begin with phrases like “Can you provide insights on…”, “What are the benefits of…”, or “Please explain the process of…” tend to generate informative responses. Including key details, keywords, or specific parameters within the prompt can help guide the AI’s output toward the desired topic or perspective. 

Experimenting with different prompts and variations can yield diverse and interesting results, enhancing creativity and generating unique insights. It's important to refine prompts, iterate on them, and critically review the generated content to ensure it aligns with your objectives and requirements.

Experimenting with different prompts and variations can yield diverse and interesting results, enhancing creativity and generating unique insights. It’s important to refine prompts, iterate on them, and critically review the generated content to ensure it aligns with your objectives and requirements.

Making the most of this technology is all about what you put into it. The better the input (prompts), the better the output (content). 

 Here are 5 ChatGPT prompts you should try out this week:

  1. Website Copy: “Write me 5 new headline options for my website homepage that each focus on the different benefits of [company name] and [services]. Make the headlines punchy, engaging, and 8 words or less.”
  2. Email Marketing: “Write a personal follow-up email template for when a prospect visits our website at [website link] but never makes contact again. Include a relevant CTA to get them to book a [meeting/demo/tour/etc.].”
  3. Customer Support: “Write 3 follow-up responses for customers who leave bad reviews. Make each response different and focus on complaints about our [products/services], customer service, and [pain point], respectively.” 
  4. Branding: “Write 2 options for a mission statement and 5 options for a company tagline that accurately reflects this company: [website link].” 
  5. Content Generation: “Write a 1,000-word blog post about the benefits of using a [company name]. Focus the blog to highlight our [services] without sounding overly promotional. Include relevant keywords for SEO.”

Do I Still Need to Hire a Content Marketing Agency?

Hiring a content marketing agency remains essential. While open source AI is a powerful tool, a content marketing agency becomes an extension of your company, offering expertise, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of your brand that open source AI cannot replicate (yet).

A content marketing agency collaborates with you to learn your multifamily brand inside-out, capturing its essence, voice, and values. They can personalize your content, crafting messaging that aligns precisely with your target audience’s needs and preferences. 

Our team of experienced content writers utilizes the AI writing platform to effectively use our client’s monthly hours, utilizing AI-generated content as a starting point for us to refine, polish, and add a human touch. 

This combination of AI and human collaboration allows us to generate content quicker and more efficiently, ensuring it meets the highest quality, accuracy, and engagement standards. 

Plus, studies have shown that extensive editing is often required for AI-written content. A study by iPullRank and MarketMuse revealed that less than 2% of survey respondents (fellow marketers) leave the AI content as-is after it’s generated. 98% edit the content for grammar, subject matter expertise, accuracy, and bias.

So, while the platform offers tremendous value, partnering with a content marketing agency takes your brand’s content strategy to the next level, ensuring a personalized, effective, and impactful approach that resonates with your audience.

The AI Writing Tool That’s Changing the Marketing Game

Incorporating open source AI into your digital content marketing strategy can offer speed, efficiency, and fresh ideas to enhance your content creation process. It empowers marketers to quickly generate a high content volume, optimize for search engines, and engage their audience effectively. 

However, while AI can produce blogs, emails, and even website content, it is not on par with humans in writing strong content. This is because AI cannot add the right context, elements of interest, or nuance to a story. 

The takeaway? AI and intelligence tools are growing fast, but they have not overtaken humans’ abilities when it comes to certain tasks.

Want to see the effect the human touch can have on your content? Book a call with Criterion.B now. We’ll get started on your customized strategy and show you how to BEAT your competition with real-life, human-generated content personalized to your business and audience. We’re ready to chat and answer your questions about our content marketing service.

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